It's not just baffling to you.  Women not being attracted to science, math, and 
software development 
has been a huge issue since people started paying attention.  But despite huge 
amounts of money 
being thrown at the problem and all kinds of systems intended to 
support/encourage women in that 
direction, general adoption remains low.  Why that's the case is baffling to 
everyone, and people's 
answers to those questions tend to have less to do with evidence and more to do 
with people's 
pre-conceived paradigm on gender issues.

~~ Robert.

Dianne Marsh wrote:
> My business is equally owned by myself and Bill Wagner.  We employ 16 
> people, of whom 4 are women, and 3 are developers (including myself in 
> that count).  The other woman is our office manager.
> So I suspect that relatively speaking, we're looking pretty diverse.
> As for the question Casper asked (what's the ratio that I see), I have 
> had the same experience as most of you.  At most of the user group 
> meetings I attend, I'm the only woman.  I know one other JP listener who 
> attends user groups and is a woman (waving at you Kirsten), but she 
> can't attend the Roundup.  Her alternate language of choice is Groovy.
> The 2 devs who work for me are currently working in .NET, Ruby, and 
> Python.   One has a PhD in ME and the other has a CS degree.
> It's always startling to me that there aren't more women software 
> developers.  This is a profession that I really enjoy and I don't 
> understand why larger numbers of women are not drawn to it.  It just 
> baffles me.
> Dianne
> Robert Casto wrote:
>> My company (PCMS) seems to be more diverse than average. We have a 
>> number of women working in IT though I would say it is still probably 
>> only 15%. Most of the women at my company are in Human Resources, 
>> Marketing, Accounting, and a number of office management jobs. All of 
>> these positions have women in them. There may be certain types of jobs 
>> women gravitate to just by nature. Women tend to multi-task better 
>> than men. They also tend to communicate better and the jobs I listed 
>> need those skills.
>> I don't want to start a flame war of course. I'm just saying that 
>> people's skills tend to direct them toward certain jobs. There is no 
>> way I would want to do HR, Marketing, Accounting, and so on. 
>> Conversely, the people in these jobs would rather not do what I do.
>> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Rakesh < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>     we have about 30 developers of which one is female at my current
>>     company.
>>     I think in the UK it is known that women do not seem attracted to
>>     careers in IT. Not sure why.
>>     Incidentally, the teams I have worked on with higher ratios of women
>>     have been Indian offshore/onshore teams.
>>     R
>>     On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Mark Volkmann
>>     < <>> wrote:
>>     >
>>     > I think there are two females out of about 100 developers in my
>>     > company. This is not by choice. We just don't get many females that
>>     > apply for positions.
>>     >
>>     > I'm involved in two local user groups. One focuses on Java and
>>     has an
>>     > attendance around 45. The other focuses on functional and dynamic
>>     > languages and has an attendance around 35. It is very rare to see a
>>     > single female developer at either group.
>>     >
>>     > --
>>     > R. Mark Volkmann
>>     > Object Computing, Inc.
>>     >
>>     > >
>>     >
>> -- 
>> Robert Casto
>> <>
>> <>
> > 

~~ Robert Fischer.
Grails Training
Smokejumper Consulting
Enfranchised Mind Blog

Check out my book, "Grails Persistence with GORM and GSQL"!

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