Further back in this thread it was mentioned that typos are obvious and no
comment is needed.

I would rather see a long winded comment than none at all.
I would rather see a dumb comment than none at all.
I would rather see tons of comments about what stuff is doing than have to
become a human compiler and figure out what the code is trying to do.

The comments are there to speed up understanding of the code. I would rather
read English that explained what someone was thinking when they made a
change, than to look at a diff report and try to figure out what the person
was thinking.

I would venture to guess that everyone on this thread has checked in code
without comments thinking that the change was so simple it didn't bear

This reminds me of a conversation I had with my daughter recently about her
math homework. She just wrote the answer and didn't show any of her work. I
explained that we need to see your work so we can see how you think about
the problem. If you get a wrong answer, we can know immediately where the
problem is and help you understand that part. I think the same is true for
software development. Unless programmers write their thoughts in the code,
we have no clue what they were thinking about and thus have no way to
determine where the problem is or how it can be solved or dealt with.

Robert Casto

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