Oh, I dream of running DB2 on our Mainframe...

And yes, our Unix is all pSeries / AIX based, and thus DB2 with a
little DB2 on Windows.

Oracle (apparently) left with our last Solaris box a few years back...

On Apr 29, 6:31 am, John Stager <john.sta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Like most Java developers they forget about the older technologies
> like COBOL and mainframe development where DB2 is still widely used.
> Still lots of large corps that use COBOL and mainframes and if IBM is
> there choice then they are using DB2...
> Cheers,
> John Stager
> On Apr 28, 3:55 pm, Mike Camp <michael.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Yeah, when I was at IBM we had a bunch of big name companies using
> > DB2.  Not saying it is as good as Oracle (it isn't), but it has a good
> > share.
> > -- Mike Camp
> > On Apr 28, 12:51 pm, Tasos Zervos <tzer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I've got the impression that the Posse had agreed on the last podcast
> > > that DB2 is insignificant in the DB market. "All the places I've been
> > > were using Oracle", etc.
> > > Come on, we are technologists...!
> > > So, I thought I might add some related links and numbers:
> > > (the numbers on the reports seem to change a little every time... :-/)
> > > 1999 - $8 billion - IBM 29.9% ($2.39Bn), Oracle 31.1% 
> > > ($2.49Bn)http://www.gartner.com/5_about/press_room/pr20000503a.html
> > > 2000 - $8.7 billion - IBM 30.1% ($2.62Bn), Oracle 33.8% 
> > > ($2.94Bn)http://www.gartner.com/5_about/press_room/pr20010523b.html
> > > 2001 - $8.8 billion - IBM 34.6% ($3.06Bn), Oracle 32% 
> > > ($2.83Bn)http://www.gartner.com/5_about/press_releases/2002_05/pr20020507a.jsp
> > > 2002 - $6.6 billion - IBM 36.2% ($2.4Bn), Oracle 33.9% 
> > > ($2.25Bn)http://www.gartner.com/press_releases/pr21may2003a.html
> > > 2003 - $7.06 billion - IBM 35.7% ($2.52Bn), Oracle 32.6% 
> > > ($2.3Bn)http://www.gartner.com/press_releases/asset_86529_11.html
> > > 2004 - $7.79 billion - IBM 34.1% ($2.66Bn), Oracle 33.7% 
> > > ($2.64Bn)http://www.gartner.com/press_releases/asset_127553_11.html
> > > 2005 - $13.82 billion - IBM 22.0% ($3.04Bn), Oracle 48.6% 
> > > ($6.72Bn)http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=493002
> > > (The 2004 numbers here are very different from before... Maybe they
> > > are measuring different things now.)
> > > "Linux grew the fastest of all the RDBMS platforms (84 percent),
> > > driven primarily by Oracle, and the maturation and user acceptance of
> > > the Linux platform as a mission-critical DBMS platform."
> > > 2006 - $15.21 billion - IBM 21.1% ($3.2Bn), Oracle 47.1% 
> > > ($7.17Bn)http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=507466
> > > "Each of the major three vendors continue to dominate their particular
> > > platform; Oracle on Unix and Linux, Microsoft on Windows, and IBM on
> > > the zSeries."
> > > 2007 - $18.8 billion - IBM 21% ($3.95Bn), Oracle 44.3% 
> > > ($8.33Bn)http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/147684/idc_oracle_maint...
> > > (These are IDC numbers)
> > > So, DB2 (Almost all of IBM's RDBMS revenue + some Informix) is not
> > > *nowhere* out there. For a while it was ahead of Oracle, while it is
> > > always ahead of SQLServer. And revenue-wise it hasn't lost ground;
> > > it's still growing.
> > > Regards,
> > > Tasos Zervos- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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