On 1 Jul., 16:42, Dick Wall <dickw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Android - I also used to be a Developer Advocate for Android. I think
> Android makes the most sense of the three platforms, and I would love
> to see Google and Sun work towards making Android a real Java profile
> (taking over from CDC perhaps) since they have some nice technology in
> the Dalvik engine. I think with Android, the proof will be when we see
> JavaFX available for it - we have seen it work as a demo at J1, and
> given the aims of Android that Java tooling is important (as are
> developers), it would make sense that the nice new designer tool and
> JavaFX development goodies should be able to target android phones as
> well as all the other Java devices out there. If we see it, that's
> great. If not, Android is just another platform getting throwing up
> barriers to compatibility.

At least you can use your beloved Scala on Android: ;)

> I am in no way saying that Google should do anything other than what
> they are doing, but I do think developers should go into decisions
> about what technology to use with their eyes wide open. For the
> record, I am seriously tempted by the HTC hero as a potential next
> phone (I could make apps for it in Scala). On the other hand, I am
> hearing rumors (note, RUMORS) that Hero is none-too-popular for some
> inside of Google because they created their own UI for the device.

That's true, I don't know what kind of cooperation is possible but it
would be nice if HTC would provide at least some of this upstream to
Google for Donut and Eclair. With Palm Pre using multitouch, I see no
reason why Google should honor the request by Apple to not implement
this - not sure I see Google owing Apple anything, on the contrary.
Also, one would think Google is capable (or had the money to hire the
right people) of doing a gorgeous UI like Rosie/Sense. Clearly this
kind of eye-candy sells.

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