It's actually not surprising, design by committee has a high failure rate.

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 5:01 AM, Sean Comerford

> No matter what you think of it, there's no disputing that JSF never really
> gained much of a foothold on the "Internet" at large.
> But for developing lower traffic, "intranet" style business apps (workflow
> management, HR tools, etc) it's actually very good. And attracting the
> Visual basic, "business" developer to Java via JSF's ease of use and slick
> components was a big part of why JSF was created. I've developed internal
> usage business apps at several different major .com (as well as Sun itself!)
> using JSF but agree you would never dare to build a serious internet facing
> application with it... I don't believe it was ever intended for that or that
> the JSF lifecycle would scale.
> As an ex-Sun employee who still loves the company, JSF to me is just
> another example of lack of concise direction at Sun in the last decade...
> just one of all too many promising technologies that ended up sort of dying
> on the vine as resources were spread too thin across too many projects as
> Sun tried something, ANYTHING to make up for plummeting hardware sales.
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 3:01 PM, MassH <> wrote:
>> In the interview with Cay Horstmann, I heard this:
>> "People love to hate Java Server Faces, but (you know) what's the
>> alternative?"
>> What's the alternative? I can't believe he even asked that! What about
>> the dozen or so high-quality JVM web frameworks that most Java
>> developers prefer: Stripes, Wicket, Tapestry, Open Laszlo, Struts 2.1,
>> Google Web Toolkit, Lift (Scala), Grails (Groovy), etc?
>> Basically, he's dismissing the negativity towards JSF as just the
>> typical whining...
>> Notice that for the past several years, evens Sun's official
>> evangelists have basically ignored JSF in favor of promoting JRuby and
>> Rails/Java/Glassfish integration and adoption.
>> Also, take a look at job boards. Legacy projects are using Struts 1.x,
>> but new Java web projects are using the JVM community frameworks
>> mentioned earlier over JSF. Also, notice how popular, flashy-GUI web
>> sites that use JVM technologies on the server, have almost all steered
>> clear of JSF (, google, twitter, ebay, pandora, zoho, etc).
>> And personally, I spent a *huge* amount of effort on a JSF 1.1 project
>> and I have no personal stake in any JVM politics, I'm generally very
>> pro-Sun (love JavaFX, NetBeans, etc), and I really think JSF was over-
>> engineered and over-complicated for what it delivered.
>> Bottom line: I'd really like to see The Posse discuss this kind of
>> thing a little more. I'm sure the talent behind JSF was great and well-
>> intentioned, but the community should be putting more attention on the
>> better and more successful products in that same space.
> >

Viktor Klang

Java Specialist
Scala Loudmouth
Lift Committer

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