I think you might be overlooking how revolutionary SQL/Relational
storage is compared to what came before it.

I mean, if I want sum all the fee's received between two dates on the
mainframe, I'm cracking open COBOL editor and doing a lot of boiler
plate to read records, compare the dates, store the result so far.

One line of SQL does the same thing, and a hell of a lot faster too.

But yeah, its like XML, the industry seizes on an idea, and then all
of a sudden, its the solution to all man's (and woman's) ills.

Thus all the enthusiasm for BigTable etc should be tempered with the
fact it still only an appropriate choice for a given set of
circumstances.  Of course, I'm not sure what they are yet, I don't
know enough :)

On Jul 16, 8:59 pm, Christian Catchpole <christ...@catchpole.net>
> I'm not disagreeing with what you are saying.  If I was start a new
> project odds are I would choose an SQL database because of the
> ecosystem around it.  I am more so questioning how the SQL ecosystem
> has evolved as the only serious choice for persistence.  As I think
> mentioned in a recent podcast, choosing anything else and everyone
> will think you are mad.  But you only have to google for multiple
> projects and products which try to offer alternatives to relational
> SQL.  But I guess none of these ever gain any real traction because it
> all seems so risky to trust any of them with your most valuable
> asset.. your data.  Especially if they don't support Crystal Reports.
> On Jul 16, 8:43 pm, Steven Herod <steven.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think the case as, always, is to choose the right technology based
> > on the right principles for the problem at hand.
> > I look at the non relational mainframe storage that sits behind the
> > 'legacy' policy administration system at work and I can see what it
> > has going for it, the COBOL requires no data type translation, and the
> > ability to redefine the structure of a record based on its specific
> > type (ie, 'car policy' vs 'farm policy') is a highly useful concept
> > when dealing with so many variations of structure.   XML would be the
> > 'modern' equivalent.  To do it in a relational database with Java
> > would involve a lot more work and a lot less flexibility.
> > Interestingly, from my weak understanding of Big Table, it seems to be
> > very similar to the concepts in supra/cobol.  But  I'm not familiar
> > enough with BigTable to be sure.
> > Regarding the caching side of things, for the type of problems I've
> > dealt with, performance issues with databases (Oracle) have been
> > solved not with caching, but with tuning of Oracle config, indexing,
> > queries tuning, network and then underlying hardware/storage array
> > technology.
> > I sometimes wonder, with some of the conversations I observe, if this
> > kind of top to bottom tuning is overlooked in favor of Java/code based
> > solutions in some situations?
> > On Jul 16, 8:21 pm, Christian Catchpole <christ...@catchpole.net>
> > wrote:
> > > I think this recent wave or 'rethinking' peristance, and google apps
> > > big-table style storage, is long overdue.  I'm not saying it's not
> > > going to be a difficult progression, but it's long overdue.  I
> > > remember when I first started working with SQL storage.. around 1999.
> > > I couldn't believe how it worked.  It all just seemed so backwards
> > > compared to how i understood software to work.  The data types didn't
> > > match the ones I was used to.. and SQL seemed so unprogramatic and
> > > clunky.  And how could getting your data over a socket ever be
> > > efficient.
> > > Now it seems the only way a high volume web site can interact with
> > > it's database is by using a huge cache infront of it.  Now this
> > > suggests to me that the technology (or the access to it) is falling
> > > behind the way we need to use it.  And even if it works, the problem
> > > with a cache is that me be out of sync with the database.  And even if
> > > you use multi-cast updating caches, well, then your providing sync
> > > functions that I would expect the database to be handling.  In effect
> > > we are creating in-memory databases which are kept in sync with the
> > > storage.
> > > I'm not saying I have any magic answers, only that SQL databases,
> > > while highly efficient for many purposes, with an industry based
> > > around them, are obviously not cutting it for many projects.
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