I came to the same conclusion some years ago, though you are likely to
find a lot who disagrees with the term "better" and who will raise the
kitchen sink argument. But any new unbiased developer touching both
are likely to come to that conclusion - Indeed that's why Mono was
created, at the time Java did not have the Enum type (and wasn't open
source). Mr. Clapper's list is far from complete btw, off the top of
my head I'd add:

- Namespaces (separation between logical and physical organization)
- Real generics (not emulated)
- decimal literals (BigDecimal is known to cause depression)
- Seamless interoperability (JNI is known to cause suicides)
- Object initializers, anonymous types, type inference (LINQ/
expression tree constructs)

More features does not make a better language of course, but it's
pretty clear that C# is no longer a clone of Java and is pushing some
interesting boundaries, which is likely to continue.


On 31 Jul., 18:23, John <eho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://brizzled.clapper.org/id/93
> I've been working in c# for about 1.5 years after being a hardcode
> Java developer since ~1997.  I must admit that c# does have a lot of
> excellent language features that I wish Java had.  Mr. Clapper does a
> great job is listing them.
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