Nah, Martin Odersky was still dabbling on Pizza (predecessor to Java
with generics) by the time most of the C# stuff was being thought
out. ;) I realize people consider Scala a contender to the next-gen
language but I honestly can't see your average corporate developer use
it, it's just too different.


On 31 Jul., 20:21, Fabrizio Giudici <>
> Casper Bang wrote:
> > I came to the same conclusion some years ago, though you are likely to
> > find a lot who disagrees with the term "better" and who will raise the
> > kitchen sink argument. But any new unbiased developer touching both
> > are likely to come to that conclusion - Indeed that's why Mono was
> > created, at the time Java did not have the Enum type (and wasn't open
> > source). Mr. Clapper's list is far from complete btw, off the top of
> > my head I'd add:
> > - Namespaces (separation between logical and physical organization)
> Funny to see how features for one are a bug for another :-)> - Real generics 
> (not emulated)
> > More features does not make a better language of course, but it's
> > pretty clear that C# is no longer a clone of Java and is pushing some
> > interesting boundaries, which is likely to continue.
> Maybe it's a clone of Scala? :-D
> --
> Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
> Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
> - mobile: +39 348.150.6941
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