On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Exactly. If java had pure operators (where the operator's meaning is
> independent of the expressions on either side), then adding operator
> overloading is a mess, but java's operator set is a hopeless mess.
> Utterly hopeless. It makes no sense at all, and therefore the argument
> that operator overloading is going to make things confusing makes no
> sense either; the concept of operator overloading (especially if you
> add sensible caveats, such as requiring strict type limits (both sides
> should be the same type, and the operation must also return that type)
> would be *far easier* to grok than the current meanings of operator
> overloading.
> In case people take exception to my hypothesis that java's operators
> are a screwed up grab bag of insanity, let me count the ways...
>  (A) The / can mean EITHER integer division OR arithmetic division.
> The types of the LHS and RHS decide. This is stupid. It's caused a lot
> of pain because it's stupid.
>  (B) The & operator is strictly binary and, and && is strictly logical
> and. Exactly why is this different from the behaviour for the slash,
> where two related but definitely not the same meanings have been
> overloaded into one operator? While integral and arithmetic division
> is screwed up all the time, I can't think of many ways in which you
> could confuse logical and bitwise and! Think about it: Java has no
> concept of truthy and falsy, and bitwise and cannot ever produce
> booleans, and the concept of bitwise and/or/xor on 2 boolean values,
> if it were allowed, would clearly be equal to the logical operators.
> It's virtually impossible to write something that doesn't do what you
> think it does, even if you don't know if the compiler has 2 different
> meanings (logical vs. bitwise).
>  (C) All operators in java are already overloaded; - can for example
> mean unary minus, binary minus on ints, binary minus on longs, binary
> minus on floats, and binary minus on doubles (but not binary minus on
> shorts, bytes, or chars!). However, + is particularly egregious; it
> can mean all those things AND it can mean string concatenation. String
> concatenation isn't even commutative (commutative is: a + b has the
> same meaning as b + a, which for string concat clearly isn't true, but
> it is true for numeric addition).
>  (D) All binary operators in java are type dependent (e.g. + is long
> addition if it involves a long but not a string), but it is NOT
> dependent on type positions. In other words, in "EXPR1 OPERATOR
> EXPR2", the meaning of operator is the same as in "EXPR2 OPERATOR
> EXPR1". In other words, 'new Object() + ""' is string concatenation,
> because '"" + new Object()' is string concatenation. So far so good
> (this is actually useful, and a common thorny issue with operator
> overloading in other languages, where this almost invariably does not
> hold, and a particular side decides the meaning. E.g. in scala, it's
> the LHS, unless the operator ends in a colon, in which case it's the
> RHS). However, this property *IS NOT ASSOCIATIVE*, which is just
> screwed up. Consider:
> new Object() + ""
> is string concatenation, but this:
> new Object() + new Object() + ""
> isn't. It's a compiler error, because while binary operator meaning is
> positionally independent, chains of operations are resolved as binary
> applications from left to right. This doesn't make sense in
> combination with positional independence.
>  (E) byte, short, and char are special, in that they don't support any
> operators. Instead, java will automatically widen them up to ints
> (which does have operators). This creates screwed up situations:
> byte a = 10;
> byte b = 20;
> callMethod(a ^ b);
> will call the callMethod that takes an int, even if there's a
> callMethod that takes a byte. This is utter magic to any java
> programmer. Similarly, this:
> byte a = 10;
> byte b = 20;
> short c = a + b;
> will generate a 'possible loss of precision' error, eventhough this is
> clearly bogus; the result of adding two bytes fits, by definition in a
> short. On the other hand, this:
> int a = 10;
> int b = 10;
> int c = a + b;
> will NOT give you any warning, but in that case, you really *COULD*
> have a possible loss of precision. The entire warning is a lie.
>  (F) The biggest bunch of operator overloading haters, project coin,
> jumped headfirst, with complete abandon, into extending the meaning of
> [] for list and map access, both reading and setting. So far no one
> has mentioned that this is operator overloading, and I'm too in love
> with schadenfreude to bring it up in this early stage.
> My current plans for lombok in regards to operator overloading are
> fairly simple. Either (A) it'll be for a hardcoded list of types only
> (e.g. arithmetic and bitwise operations for BigInteger and BigDecimal,
> and map/list indexed read access for java.util.List and Map, as well
> as the google collections API and javolution), or (B) that plus
> interfaces that you can override, but with the caveat that all types
> are strictly congruent. E.g: the + operation can only be defined as T
> + T = T - the two types on either side of the plus sign need to be the
> same, and you must output your own type as well. This removes a lot of
> the confusion and conveniently adds associative positional
> independence, as long as you don't try to mix things with java's own
> internal set of screwyness.
> Are you really going to go to a corner and cry about that? Wuss!

I said "talk about crying", you know as well as I do that crying is for P/L

> On Aug 12, 9:28 pm, Viktor Klang <viktor.kl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 8:46 PM, Augusto <augusto.sellh...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > > On Aug 12, 1:23 pm, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > > Incidentally, projectlombok.org's goals are pretty much that: A
> > > > java.next for the rest of us. Closures, more literals, probably
> > > > extension methods and operator overloading, properties, lots of
> > > > boilerplate elimination, et voila.
> >
> > > Operator overloading?
> >
> > > Let me go to a corner and cry ...
> >
> > Use BigDecimal for complex arithmetics, then we can talk about crying.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Viktor Klang
> >
> > Rogue Scala-head
> >
> > Blog: klangism.blogspot.com
> > Twttr: viktorklang
> >

Viktor Klang

Rogue Scala-head

Blog: klangism.blogspot.com
Twttr: viktorklang

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