This should be interesting. I was thinking Jersey, until you starting
asking for the impossible.


On 25 Aug., 00:09, Joshua Marinacci <> wrote:
> Now before you heckle me or throw out 20 different frameworks, let me  
> explain in greater detail what I mean (and if such a thing exists).
> Suppose I want to create a webservice which lets a client app store a  
> single key / value pair. In about 5 minutes I could could write a  
> servlet that will do this (accept post, save value, return status),  
> deploy it to the appserver built into my IDE, and be ready for a beer.  
> (probably less than 5 min, actually).
> Now suppose I want to deploy this service live on the web and have it  
> be secure and reliable. Ah, now it gets far, far harder. To do I right  
> I must:
> * implement authentication, securely, over https
> * create a user account database or hook into another one, along with  
> account creation / password change, maintenance tools, etc.
> * handle fail over to other instances, including session affinity
> * persist the storage to disk in a threadsafe and reliable manner,  
> possibly setting up my own sql db and jdbc connections.
> That's a lot, even though my service still does the exact same thing.  
> There's a ton of work to make something reliable, and yet it's all  
> overhead. And *none* of it has to do with the functionality I'm  
> actually trying to build.
> So, what I'm looking for is a framework that handles the above for me.  
> And I really mean *handles* it, not "gives me the ability to hook into  
> 18 different implementations of auth systems that I could set up  
> separately". If it generates a project template as the first step  
> that's perfectly okay.  I want to be coding my features, not dealing  
> with infrastructure. Even better if it's something that can work with  
> OpenID / OpenAuth. Then I won't have to deal with people creating  
> their own accounts for my service (which I don't care about), but they  
> can instead login using some one else's service (google, facebook, etc.)
> So what's the best webframework to do the above? I'd prefer something  
> vaguely Java / JavaEE based, I'm willing to look at Groovy, Ruby,  
> Python, etc. as well.
> Thanks.
> - J
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