I'm curious what you found unpleasant about stripes?  I've found a  
home with stripes and have built a few webapps with it, and so far,  
i'm pretty pleased with the way it works.  It's definitely a huge  
improvement over struts.

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On Sep 26, 2009, at 1:54 PM, Mwanji Ezana <mwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 26 sep, 04:20, Steven Herod <steven.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I basically stopped paying attention to Java Web frameworks after
>> discovering Grails, although I'm still looking for something that
>> makes the whole forms based data collection side of things completely
>> painless.
> What do you mean, exactly?
> I'm of the opinion that web frameworks should be doing the http-
> request-to-object and object-to-form transformation work for us, in
> the same way ORM tools do the SQL-to-object and object-to-table work.
> It's not a full web framework, but the only templating engine I've
> found pleasant to work with is Jamon. I'm trying out a stack composed
> of JPA, Jamon and a homemade MVC layer in the middle, simply because
> every Java web framework I've worked with (Struts 1 & 2, GWT, Spring
> MVC currently) or looked at (Stripes, Wicket) has too much
> unpleasantness.
> Moandji
> >

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