It could just be me, but I noticed a bit of a shakeup in eclipse land,
with a re-focus back on the core IDE - just editing java code,
basically. Since 2.4 or there-abouts, the focus has been on RCP,
equinox, web dev plugins, task managers, PHP mode, and rebranding
eclipse as a general kitchensink that does everything (people who
actually know a thing or two about branding will recognize this move
to turn your brand into everything effectively means the same thing as
turning your brand into nothing). It seems to be because netbeans is
starting to make inroads.

If true, this ought to light a second candle under the arse of
eclipse, which is great news all around. It may also put pressure on
suncle to not waffle about, pick one (JDeveloper, or, hopefully,
netbeans), and keep putting resources into its development.

Good times.

On Oct 17, 8:53 am, Mark Derricutt <> wrote:
> I find it interesting that the change comes on the brink of Jetbrains
> releasing their new *commercial* product YouTrack.  The IDE market is down
> to 3 players - eclipse (yawn), netbeans (getting better every release) and
> intellij.
> I assume Jetbrains is still continuing to sell TeamCity enterprise licenses
> (its easy to move beyond the free 20 builds I find) and Resharper licenses,
> and now I guess their hedging sales of YouTrack to bring up any shortfall
> introduced by lost sales of people going to IC (and I guess they'd rather
> people use free software from themselves, rather than move to Eclipse and
> Netbeans).
> It'll be interesting to see how things play out - I'm just glad that I won't
> have to give up using IntelliJ if I ever find myself not in a position to
> pay for it (or get someone to pay for it for me).
> Mark
> --
> Pull me down under...
> On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 6:59 PM, Reinier Zwitserloot 
> <>wrote:
> > They opened the source to a
> > substantial chunk of IntelliJ, you can clone the repository right now,
> > and if you build that repo, you get a nice tool that has plenty of
> > legitimate uses all by yourself.
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