On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Steven Herod <steven.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If Sun does eventually drop or depreciate Swing in favour of JavaFX,
> then SWT may be the only way to do desktop apps in Java in the
> future.  (And thats entirely supposition on my part)

Doesn't JavaFX use swing behind the scenes anyway?
If this is the case then swing will continue to advance as a library
usable by native Java
(though it may take more boilerplate to duplicate certain aspects of
FX behaviour)

Of course, there's always AWT/RCP if you don't mind a bit of eclipse lock-in.

> As far as the native vs other look, it depends on the app and the
> environment
> Sure MP3 players, twitter clients and other stuff can get away with
> being unique (ala flex), but LOB apps need to look native and perform
> well, so I think SWT is a no brainer.
> My recollections are hazy, but I think we may have forgotten the time
> of when swing was 'the future', it was a different environment to now,
> and I seem to recall there was enough confidence to think the cross
> platform would win the war.
> Similar noises are being made now, we'll see if its truer now than it
> was in 1998.
> As far as Webstart issues are concerned with SWT I feel any serious
> app is going to need to use a Windows Installer package and not
> WebStart. ( I speak from being on a project that was firmly bitten on
> the butt deploying a 70MB app over webstart over the net.)
> Anyway, enough rambling.
> On Nov 2, 1:26 am, "a.efremov" <a.efre...@javasmith.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> How you feel about SWT and its future in enterprise java on desktop?
>> SWT application has native look and feel and integrates seamlessly
>> with user's environment. I mean compared to as Swing application does.
>> will be glad to hear your feedbacks.
>> alexander
> >

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