Simon Brocklehurst wrote:
> On Nov 30, 1:27 am, Josh McDonald <> wrote
>> 2) Stop with the applet. Seriously. The browser plugin war is over, Adobe
>> won. Years ago. And before Java 7 is ready and modularised, Google will have
>> gotten V8 and (Canvas||a replacement for Canvas) up to par. It's just more
>> important to them than Java 7 and FX are to Sun (which is not how it should
>> be IMO), they have more money, and they've built a nest of hackers where
>> even @dhanji isn't (always) the smartest guy in the room. The JVM is
>> *awesome*, but Tamarin is good enough for the browser.
> That's an interesting suggestion.  You might be right that this war is
> already lost.  Personally, I hope not - I think JavaScript is a poor
> choice of language for building sophisticated browser-based
> applications.  *If* it is lost, though, the consequences are serious,
> because it will restrict every non-browser RIA platform to a pretty
> small niche.  That's because close to 100% of people have already
> decided they want 80% of the computer systems they access via a
> desktop computer to run inside a browser,

It could well be that the sweet spot for JavaFX is outside the browser, 
but if the inside the browser angle is not solidly covered, then I think 
JavaFX will be relegated to a small niche which will shrink over time.

Jess Holle


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