On Feb 4, 9:39 am, Casper Bang <casper.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When I say "odd reasons" it's not to offend you, but due to personal
> experiences. Even my own father (who has an iPhone as recommended by
> me) can't quite figure iTunes out and is annoyed at how often it
> crashes and really just wants to be able to mount it as a portable
> drive. Perhaps files are old school, but they are very much still in
> use!

My mom is the opposite example to me: She's not very computer-savvy,
but she managed to buy music on iTunes and put it on her iPod.  And
yes, iTunes has crashed on me too in the past, mostly when playing
some video.  Still, I'm an advanced iTunes user (music, video, audio
books, apps, podcasts, iTunes U, manual & automatic play lists), so I
can see that if you just want to have music, then just copying files
is a valid alternative.

> > How does Google make sure the apps won't do something harmful?
> They don't, at least not officially. It works by peer review, people
> can complain about an application triggering a review. It seems to
> work, in practice people only install the top apps with 3+ stars.
> Google do need some kind of automatic virus/phishing filter as the
> platform becomes more of a target and I am sure we'll see that.

I'm not sure you can completely automatically detect fraud apps, but
if one company can do it, then it's Google.  :-)  Now for kids (or
rather their parents), Apple also rates apps by "age
appropriateness" (4+, 9+, 12+ and 17+), and you can block iTunes
content (apps, music, movies) with parental controls.  Of course, you
always have the "dirty Internet" (which you can only block as a whole
by disallowing Safari), but this system follows the same general
rating process as movies or video games (mandatory rating when they
are published).

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