Hey All. This is probably worthy of a blog post, but I thought I would
ask here.

In posse podcasts, the dearth of 3rd party libs written in non java
JVM languages is often brought up (ie jars that you use as
dependencies of your project, or that are transitive dependencies of
something you use).

I could be wrong, but I don't know of any libraries at all myself in
common use.

So is this a case of time and maturity?

Speaking for myself, I have written utilities in scala for my own
usage, potentially will find other usages (always tends to, over
time). The issue myself, and others face, is how to expose/export an
appropriate interface. Each JVM language has its own way of defining a
"java interface" - in scala it is as simple as using traits and not
using crazy names, and using the standard types.

However, this still isn't quite right, scala doc is not the same as
javadoc, and can't be mixed directly with it (that I know). This was a
showstopped for a colleague who wanted a nice first class java
interfaces for people to use. My solution is to create a set of java
interfaces, in its own module, document it - and have that as the
public face (with implementations in appropriate languages). I guess
that is making java interfaces as the "IDL" of the JVM (which is not
such a bad thing - Interfaces in java are one of the nicer things that
I think they got right).

So this means that to consume a JVM lib, in non java, you have a jar +
javadocs which smell familiar, but you also have the language runtime
lib as a dependency as well (a notable exception is duby - which
compiles only to classes, no deps needed).

Thoughts ? Experiences?

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