With all due respect, and with definite agreement on your points about language evolution, etc., nevertheless, Obejctive-C got some things right that we tried to get into Java but were routinely ignored at sun, and it took several decades to get going in other languages. Objective-C contains elements of AOP, has a garbage-collector (not on iPhone, but that's a mobile-ism, and not uncommon in constrained environments), etc.

In other words, your specific points have merit, but the truth is, you're over-stating it. Objective-C 2.x is a reasonably recent language, with lots of modern features, and has one of the cleanest class libraries and best UI libraries I've seen with a strong paradigm for development (draw your gui, link them with associations in a really healthy MVC approach, yadda yadda).

I'm not arguing for Apple's strong-man tactics here... I'm just saying, language bashing isn't really the point, nor does it help the argument. If I had the choice of programming in Objective-C everyday or just about any other language, I'd choose Objective-C... you get the power to hyper-optimize and do powerful things "low to the ground" but by default you're doing really healthy O-O.

And I speak as someone working on another language in my spare time - I long to get some of what I had in Objective-C into something like Java. I wrote so much less code for the same functionality in the former language. <sigh>


On Apr 12, 2010, at 12:30 AM, RogerV wrote:

It's rather depressing to know that starting with iPhone OS 4 that in
order to program apps for iphone/itouch/ipad, one has to step
backwards to a weird hybrid variant of C language that is a two decade
old anachronism. The one virtue of Objective-C is that it's actually a
better OOP language than C++. Yet in the end it's C with its raw
address pointers -- and to boot, reference counted memory objects

For decades it's been an axiom that innovation in software development
takes place in the languages and tools every bit as much as in the
applications that get developed. Now Apple is forbidding that manner
of creativity. Yes, they made some tweaks to Objective-C with 2.0, but
much of that was not really that earth shaking - and some features,
like garbage collected memory, are not available on the mobile

This has been a great era for new computer languages and ideas coming
to surface, yet for the Apple mobi

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