Here is a good look at the apple view:

I think this guy nails why Apple is doing what they are doing.  I
disagree with Apple's policy, but it does make sense.  To me, make
people use public APIs and how they get the code together is their

"Apple doesn’t want Flash-created apps on the App Store for a simple
reason: It reduces the iPhone to a lowest-common denominator platform,
and at that point Apple loses all control over the iPhone OS

Once developers can create an app in one development environment—
Adobe’s—and compile it to run on every smartphone known to humankind,
many developers will decide to save themselves a boatload of money and
stop developing native apps for the iPhone, Android, and other
platforms. They’ll just develop once, for Flash, and let it run

Sounds good, but the develop-once-run-anywhere philosophy is something
that makes more sense to bean counters and development-environment
vendors than it does to platform owners and discriminating users. In
the ’90s we were told that Java apps would be the future of software,
because you could write them once and deploy them anywhere. As someone
who used to use a Java-based Mac app on an almost daily basis, let me
tell you: it was a disaster. Java apps didn’t behave like Mac apps.
They were ugly and awful and weird, but hey, at least they ran on the

It’s the same way I feel about Adobe’s AIR environment today. It’s a
Flash and/or HTML-based system that lets developers write cross-
platform desktop apps. A good example of an Adobe AIR app is
TweetDeck. A lot of people like TweetDeck for Mac, and bless ’em. I
can only assume they like it because they like its feature set. It’s a
horrible Mac app, though. It’s got no menu bar to speak of, a strange
and limited preferences window, weird scroll bars... the list goes on.
It feels, in short, like a Web app that’s been mashed into a window so
that it can pretend to be a native Mac app. And—spoiler alert—that’s
because it is.

Apple doesn’t want apps that don’t feel like native iPhone apps on the
iPhone. It doesn’t want Adobe to aid developers in creating a world
where App X for iPhone and App X for Android are indistinguishable
from one another. Apple doesn’t want to introduce new iPhone features
and then watch as nobody takes advantage of them because Adobe hasn’t
updated its development system yet. Or, worse, watches as Adobe
refuses to adopt them because the other operating systems don’t
support those features.

If iPhone apps are one of Apple’s greatest assets, a lowest-common-
demoninator app world is Apple’s greatest nightmare. Apple wants the
iPhone app experience to be created using Apple’s native tools by
developers who are engaged with the platform and falling over
themselves to support Apple’s latest features. These are the
developers who were downloading and installing iPhone OS 4.0 on
Thursday and poring over the documentation, getting ready to dig in
and start updating their apps for this summer’s release."

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