I apologize that I implied anything about your (or anyone elses) character,
definitely my bad and no excuse for it.

mocks away...


On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Christian Edward Gruber <
christianedwardgru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Herr Meinholz,
> Holy argumentum ad-hominem, dude!  Wow.  I'm not an Apple apologist.  Heck,
> I work for Google and have more than enough reasons to be annoyed by Apple,
> as a firm, from an industry perspective and developer ecosystem perspective.
>  I'm just saying that the kinds of issues that were raised did not affect
> the bulk of my last five years, four of which were pre-Google, and involved
> mostly Java development on Mac developer stations/laptops with deployment to
> a heterogenous back-end usually on J2EE servers.  Also, I happen,
> personally, to like the Mac dev tools because I grew up on NeXTSTEP.  That's
> a style preference - it doesn't blind me to what I see as unhelpful business
> practices (unhelpful to the customer and the developer).
> In your argument you make a case for uncertainty... except that Mac apps
> don't require an app-store intermediary, and they would lose about 50-80% of
> their Mac laptop business if you couldn't install whatever app you wanted on
> such.  So it's only a very theoretical uncertainty.  The Mac itself is
> fairly non-walled-garden.  the iPhone and iPad and iPod - sure. Total walled
> garden.  I disagree with Apple on this.  I'd like a walled garden approach
> with a nice ladder to hop over the wall.
> But why am I even discussing this when you call my intellectual integrity
> in question and you don't even know me.  And your ad-hominem is largely
> based on such an accusation based on my anecdotal disagreement with your
> sweeping conclusions?  All I did was provide myself as a counter-example.
>  Not saying "it ain't so" ... saying, rather, "it ain't necessarily so."
> Were I not immediately dismissive of such an assault on my character, I
> would be offended sir.  As it is, I shall just mock you to my friends. ;-)
> cheers, love and light. (and hopefully a good sense of humour)
> Christian.
> On May 5, 2010, at 1:20 AM, Lloyd Meinholz wrote:
> This is not FUD. There is uncertainty (the U part) in how fully Apple will
> support Java in the future. Apple has badly neglected Java in the past and
> has not commited to not doing the same in the future. What gives you any
> confidence that Apple will ever release a Java update past what you have
> now? What happens when Apple decides that Objective-C is the only language
> that should be used on MacOSX just like they recently decided it was the
> only appropriate language for the iPutz platform?
> I purchased a Mac mini 2 years ago to give MacOSX a whirl. I recently made
> a major upgrade/purchase of my home desktop system. I really wanted an iMac
> but with the uncertainty I perceived and felt (whether you recognize it as
> legitimate or not) I went with an Intel box instead. The decision was not
> purely monetary even though I think I got a better value with my Intel box.
> The experience I had with my mini was a few months before Apple released the
> big Java updates (1.5 and 1.6) and the experience was not stellar for me.
> Eclipse in particular was sub-par and has only recently gotten better (Cocoa
> port?). I have no confidence that if I had bought an iMac that a similar
> situation would not re-occur in the future.
> What is the difference between Apple saying that non Objective-C
> applications on the iPutz is not ok from Sun saying non Java applications on
> the JVM is not ok? What kind of hell would people raise if Sun/Oracle said
> that only Java could run on the JVM (no groovy/scala/clojure/jruby for you)
> since other languages would give a sub-optimal user/developer experience?
> What is Tor (sorry to pick on you, but you did mock Linux :) going to say
> when Apple decides that JavaFX shouldn't run on MacOSX since it doesn't give
> the native LOF experience?
> In the end, we can develop good Java code on any of the major platforms and
> maybe it's mostly a personal preference, but I prefer the one that doesn't
> limit my options. I also prefer colleagues that are intellectually honest
> enough to accept the good and bad of their dealer without becoming an
> apologist.
> Lloyd
> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Christian Edward Gruber <
> christianedwardgru...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> And yet, almost all of my development in the last 10 years has been in
>> Java, and about 5 years ago I gave up and got a Mac (once they were on Intel
>> for a rev or two.).  I've never looked back.  I had some minor annoyance
>> about JDK6 which quickly was addressed with developers access downloads
>> which were generally of high quality, and it's been a stellar - stellar -
>> experience.
>> I'm not saying they're awesome as a company towards devs who don't play
>> their way - I"m just saying I haven't been hit very hard by it, and I"m not
>> an atypical developer, in the java world.  It is FUD.  The not-best-place
>> for me has been linux where I hate the UI all the time (gnome or kde - I
>> have resorted to WMaker, but it's a hack), and on Windows where I bluescreen
>> all the time.  Again, that's me, that's my preferences, but the Java part
>> hasn't been an issue, so the above mentioned once took priority.
>> Christian.
>> On May 4, 2010, at 7:47 PM, Lloyd Meinholz wrote:
>> I honestly don't understand why you think questioning that the Mac
>> universe is maybe not the best place for Java develoers. is fud. In the
>> recent past, Apple took a long time to update the JDK to 1.6 and patch 1.5.
>> How far behind in their releases were they? 1, 2 years? They said nothing of
>> the reasoning, they gave no roadmap for next releases. There is no reason to
>> think that they might not do something similar again. OpenJDK is not the
>> same thing. There are disadvantages to having to start up an X11.app to use
>> Java on the Mac. Things may be ok now, but it wasn't in the recent past and
>> there is no guarantee that it will be in the future. Back in the day, there
>> was a huge difference is using blackdown Java on Linux vs. using the Sun
>> JDK.
>> You guys can all love you Macs and MacOSX and iWhatever and they are great
>> machines, but you should really be more honest with yourself about Apple's
>> intentions. I'm buying hardware and software to develop for and use in the
>> way that I think is best, not the way Apple thinks is best.
>> Lloyd
>> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Reinier Zwitserloot 
>> <reini...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Replies inline.
>>> >
>>> > 1) Would you agree that given actions and words, Apple also considers
>>> > Java an inferior and irrelevant platform?
>>> Yes. Especially for desktop apps. Just like ruby, python, mono, the
>>> entirety of the terminal (including bash, find, grep and friends),
>>> lua, scala, java, PHP and any other language you care to name. For NON-
>>> desktop apps though, apple still sells a server OS. They don't sell an
>>> Objective C based web framework. So, what the heck are you on about?
>>> This might be of some concern to JavaFX users. Minor concern, of
>>> course - you can claim the OpenJDK is unstable but that's rather
>>> offensive to the OpenJDK crew, and X11.app works perfectly well if
>>> that's what it ends up taking, though with the recent popularity
>>> especially amongst developers neither Apple nor Oracle can afford to
>>> let such a situation stand. Apple sells servers. Servers run server
>>> software. Like web servers with webapps on them. Apple themselves use
>>> WebObjects (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebObjects) which they
>>> themselves wrote. In Java.
>>> Stop fudding.
>>> >
>>> > 2) While Steve's cross-air might be aimed at Adobe, his flak shooting
>>> > has broad implications across the board. Do you think he has moral
>>> > issues with the collateral damage it's creating beyond his own iWorld?
>>> > (i.e. Novell's MonoTouch customers)
>>>  Moral issues? I'm quite sure he's so focussed and passionate on giving
>>> the world his personal vision of the future that he's so far
>>> entrenched in "the end justifies the means" it would take a direct
>>> moral conflict for him to consider anything he steers apple into as
>>> immoral. That's problematic for us and all the more reason to pressure
>>> Apple into caring more about such issues.
>>> Stop fudding. You claimed Java support on OS X is unreliable. What
>>> does Steve's flak shooting and his moral compass have to do with java
>>> support on Os X? If you were holding on to your hat about somehow
>>> using java to write for the iPhone or iPad, and / or if you weren't
>>> but you feel the current situation is very bad news, I'll join you on
>>> the picket line. iPhone / iPad and macbooks aren't the same thing
>>> though. So stop fudding.
>>> >
>>> > 3) Do you see any monopolistic behavioral pattern that suggests Apple
>>> > is the new Microsoft, except that Apple has the benefit of good taste
>>> > and is still not big enough as a target for anti-trust litigation?
>>> Yes. If you'd read my other posts you'd know that.
>>> Stop fudding. You claimed Java support on OS X is unreliable. What
>>> does Apple's stellar rise to power have to do with java support on Os
>>> X? If anything, OS X being more entrenched than ever DECREASES the
>>> odds that there won't be a decent java available on OS X. If not
>>> apple, then sunoracle will step up. They can't not.
>>> Unless you're going to claim that we'll see an app store model in the
>>> near future of OS X, where you simply cannot run any apps on an OS X
>>> machine at all unless personally signed and verified by apple. Which
>>> is completely ludicrous. If that's truly what you think and why you're
>>> FUDing java on OS X, you should say so, so the folks reading your
>>> advice can make their own judgement on the likelyhood of this extreme
>>> scenario.
>>> >
>>> > /Casper
>>> >
>>> > “We’ve been there before,
>>> > and intermediate layers between the platform and the developer
>>> > ultimately produces sub-standard apps and hinders the progress of the
>>> > platform.”
>>> >
>>> > On May 4, 2:20 pm, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > > Given that OpenJDK7 already builds on Mac OS X today, I'm guessing
>>> > > we'll have to wait about a minute after OpenJDK 7 final is released,
>>> > > depending on how fast your computer can build the OpenJDK. Duh.
>>> >
>>> > > Stop fudding.
>>> >
>>> > > On May 4, 10:42 am, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com>
>>> > > wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > > 1. The recent letter to Adobe shows that Apple clearly believe
>>> Cocoa to the
>>> > > > the "One True Way".  Anything else is going through a "private
>>> library" or
>>> > > > "intermediate framework", and we KNOW what happens to those.
>>> >
>>> > > > 2. Java access to Cocoa has been deprecated.  This is not just lack
>>> of a
>>> > > > timely release, it's now permanently locked out of the pearly gates
>>> (unless
>>> > > > it goes via JNI, which will mean someone else's framework...)
>>> >
>>> > > > 3. As for timely updates of Java?  The painfully slow wait for Java
>>> 6,
>>> > > > accompanied by no information whatsoever, is now infamous in the
>>> eyes of
>>> > > > many developers.  Given that Apple now seem to consider Java less
>>> important
>>> > > > that it was back then, how long will we have to wait for Java 7
>>> once it's
>>> > > > out?
>>> >
>>> > > > On 4 May 2010 02:16, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > > > Of course it's 100% FUD - the fact that apple no longer
>>> considered
>>> > > > > cocoa libraries for java important is completely irrelevant
>>> compared
>>> > > > > to releasing timely java updates. I don't see the availability or
>>> > > > > timeless of updates of MFC bindings in windows java, or KDE
>>> bindings
>>> > > > > for linux java raise anyone's concern. Why should cocoa be any
>>> > > > > different?
>>> >
>>> > > > > On May 3, 5:03 pm, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > > > > > It's not 100% FUD
>>> >
>>> > > > > > Java as a user of the Cocoa API got relegated to a 2nd class
>>> citizen with
>>> > > > > > the release of OSX Tiger:
>>> > > > >http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/qa/qa2001/qa1342.html
>>> >
>>> > > > > > On 3 May 2010 15:17, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > Casper, for the fiftheenth bloody time, STOP FUDDING about
>>> java on
>>> > > > > > > macs.
>>> >
>>> > > > > > >http://landonf.bikemonkey.org/static/soylatte/
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > OpenJDK for the win.
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > Pro-Apple bias amongst geeks is rooted due to the fact that
>>> as far as
>>> > > > > > > notebooks are concerned, apple's hardware is fit for a
>>> programmer
>>> > > > > > > whereas your average notebook / desktop PC that doesn't host
>>> a shiny
>>> > > > > > > apple logo on it is a piece of crap. It's hard to take a
>>> standpoint
>>> > > > > > > against a supplier of something no one else supplies. If it
>>> had been
>>> > > > > > > related to 'alternative to microsoft', we'd have seen similar
>>> bias
>>> > > > > > > towards linux and solaris but that's not really panning out,
>>> hence
>>> > > > > > > your theory does not seem to hold water.
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > On May 3, 11:29 am, Casper Bang <casper.b...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > > > > > > > In this particular context, I think the bias is rooted in
>>> your foe's
>>> > > > > > > > enemy being your friend. For the longest time Apple was the
>>> escape
>>> > > > > pod
>>> > > > > > > > that hardcore Java developers took from the evil empire's
>>> mother
>>> > > > > ship.
>>> > > > > > > > However, these recent events are really just a predictable
>>> further
>>> > > > > > > > escalation, considering Java on a Mac is typically 1½-2
>>> years behind
>>> > > > > > > > other platform releases. It should come as no surprise
>>> then, when
>>> > > > > > > > Apple undoubtedly drops all support for client Java within
>>> the
>>> > > > > not-too-
>>> > > > > > > > distant future invoking all too familiar arguments. I do
>>> feel that
>>> > > > > > > > several of the posse members took a far more healthy and
>>> critical
>>> > > > > > > > outlook on Apple over the past year though, lead by our
>>> posse editor
>>> > > > > > > > in chief.
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > /Casper
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > On May 3, 10:45 am, Liam Knox <liamjk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > Should I just say Apple is purely after a monopoly i.e.
>>> the cash,
>>> > > > > > > > > unlike Joe's stated reasons ?
>>> > > > > > > > > Does that make it clearer
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > On May 3, 5:06 pm, Kerry Sainsbury <ke...@fidelma.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 3:25 PM, phil.swen...@gmail.com<
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > phil.swen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > > > > > > > > > > > To describe Apples doctorine on Flash or Java on
>>> their mobile
>>> > > > > > > devices
>>> > > > > > > > > > > > as purely due to a want of consistent user
>>> experience is just
>>> > > > > > > nonsense
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > > > The clear reason....
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > > Not convincing!  Calling something "nonsense" or
>>> "clear"
>>> > > > > doesn't
>>> > > > > > > make
>>> > > > > > > > > > > it so.  Try forming a cogent argument next time.
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > Well, Liam's next sentence was "You could equally
>>> diverge from
>>> > > > > their
>>> > > > > > > > > > perceived athletics using objective C of any of their
>>> mandated
>>> > > > > > > > > > technologies", which sounded reasonable to me  -- apart
>>> from some
>>> > > > > > > issues
>>> > > > > > > > > > with English.
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > I believe he meant:
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > "You could equally diverge from their perceived
>>> aesthetics using
>>> > > > > > > Objective C
>>> > > > > > > > > > or any of their mandated technologies".
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > Does that make it clearer?
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > Why would the UI I create using Objective C be any
>>> better than
>>> > > > > the UI
>>> > > > > > > I
>>> > > > > > > > > > would create using any other framework or language, if
>>> that
>>> > > > > framework
>>> > > > > > > or
>>> > > > > > > > > > language calls the same UI layer that Objective C does?
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > In fact I'm sure that some frameworks could actually
>>> enhance the
>>> > > > > UI
>>> > > > > > > that I
>>> > > > > > > > > > would create, because I make AWFUL user interfaces.
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > (sorry for jumping in Liam!)
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > Cheers
>>> > > > > > > > > > Kerry
>>> >
>>> > > > > > > > > > --
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