They wouldn't update their Windows either unless they have to. Chances are something will break, and I think every organization I deal with has some program testing what exactly breaks, probably since Vista came out.

I suspect the IE6->8 upgrade is probably even used as an argument for the XP->Win7 upgrade since even management now starts to see the problems caused by IE6. OTOH it is an argument against since it forces them to get the ERP vendors to fix their web UIs. And/or do an upgrade of the ERP system, which is a big job by itself.

The long dominance of IE6 has created scenarios in which it is truly very hard for these organizations to upgrade the browser. That is largely a fault of bad practices at exactly those places that talk a lot about best practices :-)


On 21/05/10 04:26, Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:
People who are capable of updating their own windows across major
releases and more than capable of installing their own browser :)

On May 20, 11:19 am, Peter Becker<>  wrote:
I think it will highly depend on the success of Windows 7. The same
effect that happened with IE6 might happen with IE8 in a corporate
environment: it might be deemed good enough so there will be no business
case for installing anything else. Consumers will probably be pushed
ahead to IE9 by the automated updates, if that is not significantly
worse than Chrome/Firefox/etc. then the Windows crowd might largely stay
with IE8/9. It will be a long time before any large site will stop
supporting IE8.

OTOH: at least Firefox has made itself a bit of a name in the less
computer-savvy crowd, which will make it easier for the technically
inclined to push their friends over to some other browser. It doesn't
even have to be Firefox, the main change is that the (Internet Browser
== IE) equation has been broken in people's heads.


On 20/05/10 17:51, Moandji Ezana wrote:

What I'm wondering is if IE9 is a great browser, will it boost
Microsoft's market share? Or was IE's earlier market share an
untenable anomaly anyway, which is now sinking to a more reasonable
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