The existence of libraries is not relevant to the point that I'm
trying to make.

When I first started coding, in the 1980s and in COBOL, a typical task
would be to write a program which would take input from one or more
sources, do something to it and send the output somewhere.

These days I write primarily in Java.  A typical task is to write a
program which would take input from one or more sources, do something
to it and send the output somewhere.

Whilst I readily acknowledge that progress has been made in all sorts
or areas; the acts of specifying and coding today is more or less
identical to what it was when I started.  The level of detail that I
work at is certainly unchanged.  The skills used and the constructs
created now are much the same now as they were then.  I still need to
specify the SQL and execute and detail when and how to extract the
results.  The loops in the code go in much the same places, error
handling still has to be manually specified, etc.

What hasn't happened was the expected evolution to the position where
you define your inputs, define your outputs and let the computer do
the rest.

So, not only is Java the new COBOL, but Java IS COBOL.  Only the
vocabulary has changed.

On Jul 10, 9:04 am, jitesh dundas <> wrote:
> I beg to disagree on this one.
> I have seen that the amount of code that we have written till date has grown
> to a big amount. As people keep writing the same software again an again, we
> are coming up with libraries that are reducing the LOCs that we use.
> Moreover, have you thought of third-party libraries that allow us to make
> calls to common functions. for e,g, HTTP EMail CLient commons library of
> Apache reduces the LOCs that we write.

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