Remember that patents consist of several claims, some dependent on others.
 I believe the court can reaffirm or mark invalid each claim individually
(as the examiner does when issuing a patent), such that the "broad" claims
are "killed" but the dependent claims remain.   When reading a patent, you
you notice the claims start at the most general and work their way up to the
most complex.   When attempting to see what "reads" against a patent, you
need to pay attention to all claims in the patent.

<>My wife works at the patent
office, so patent law is rather intriguing to me.  In any case I must
refrain from any statement other than pointing folks to the facts.

- Josh

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Reinier Zwitserloot <>wrote:

> If folks would rather keep discussion to the existing threads, let me
> know.
> Here's a post by a JRuby engineer about the actual meat of the 7
> patents Oracle is suing Google with. He basically concludes that
> Oracle doesn't have a leg to stand on, but that this doesn't
> necessarily mean that google will simply go to court and win the case:
> One of Gosling's own is in there, as well as a patent or two that do
> not seem to apply. One is a patent that seems to apply only insofar
> that android is based on linux and linux uses forking to spawn new
> processes. The patent was filed in 2003, which means that either (A) a
> judge rules this isn't quite that all-encompassing, or (B) he does, in
> which case it'll be thrown out immediately for prior art. A second one
> involves mixed mode VMs which is probably the most meaty patent in the
> set, but its just not something android actually does.
> The remaining 5 seems as ridiculous as one-click, but, you know, its
> the US patent system. Reason and Sanity have no place there. Example:
> Compressing many small files not on a file-by-file basis but  by
> looking at all of them. The only reason this won't be thrown out based
> on prior art (tar cvfz anyone?) on day 1 is that it makes explicit
> references to class files, i.e. executable code. In fact, this one is
> IMO the scariest of all of them, but that's mostly a comment on how
> weak the other 6 are.
> NB: His opinion that the nuclear option can't happen does not mention
> that Ellison and Jobs are big friends, but nevertheless, killing
> android, severely harming java-the-language in the process? Did Jobs
> save ellison's life 5 times over or something? So, yeah, that remains
> unlikely.
> --
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