For those not already aware of it, Four Yorkshiremen:
<>It's a classic :)

On 2 October 2010 20:12, Russel Winder <> wrote:

> On Sat, 2010-10-02 at 18:41 +0100, Kevin Wright wrote:
> > C64?  Wow, advanced!
> > I remember working with the Vic-20 and even the Commodore PET, back at
> > school.
> I think we had better stop this variant on the Monty Python Yorkshireman
> sketch somewhere around here.
> I remember at school that our computer was an IBM 704 located some 25
> miles away and that we sent in punch card decks which were returned 2
> days later -- if we were lucky.  The programming language was, of
> course, Fortran. Oh and assembly language which at least was a step up
> from machine code.
> Fortran 2008 is a surprisingly interesting language.  The standards
> cycle for Fortran is about 5 years (which puts Java to shame ;-) and
> there are guarantees of being able to compile correctly nigh on all
> previous versions of Fortran.  This is a non-trivial problem but also
> essential to the running of the world.  A large number of significant
> codes still have Fortran 4 code from many, many moons ago.
> > Basic was largely unavoidable at the time, but by the time I'd worked
> > my way up to the C46 (and even the C128) I'd also gotten around to
> > typing in my own C-compiler (from the back of a magazine, I kid you
> > not!  Parental help was required and I'll spare you stories of
> > typing-error problems...) which had to be painstakingly loaded from
> > tape every time I started the computer.
> Ahh, the days of editing programs by sending in a sequence stream
> editing commands on a paper tape to the operators.  The joys, the pain.
> (I told you we should stop this variant on the Yorkshireman sketch, else
> we will descend to reminiscences of entering programs by toggling
> switches -- which I had to do regularly even on a PDP11 and various Data
> General, Prime and Interdata machines :-(
> > Even then, boilerplate was annoying, perhaps the lack of *any*
> > sensible text-editing features was a driving force here.  I'd started
> > working with LOGO (still at primary school here)
> >
> > Later, around age 11-12 I was upgrading schools - and also upgrading
> > languages.  Scheme had already been established for a few years, C++
> > was fairly well known and Common Lisp was no longer wet behind the
> > ears.  I played with them all.
> Forgive me, but so what?
> > Java came later, I was studying Elec.Eng, but friends studying
> > Comp.Sci. still came to me for help.  As this often involved offers of
> > free beer I rarely turned down such a request, so found myself
> > learning the language that was then being popularly taught.
> Aha, the bragging ;-)
> > After Uni, I was working as a programmer, using Pascal.  Horrible
> > language, I try my hardest to forget about it.  Then a career in Java,
> > working my way up the seniority ladder and doing some architecture
> > work.
> >
> >
> > Then most recently, the next big thing was Scala.  I finally got back
> > the beloved functions that had been missing from my professional life
> > and are fondly remembered from as far back as primary school.  Having
> > already been won over to the benefits of the JVM, garbage collection,
> > etc.  this seemed like a perfect match.
> >
> >
> > Clojure arrived after that. But, hey, I like static typing :)
> > I also study Haskell, but purely for my own amusement.
> Every programmer should study all the languages mentioned, and many
> others including Go, D, Erlang, Prolog.  No matter which language you
> use day-to-day your programming is improved by knowing at a "can work in
> this language" level many different language with different
> computational models.
> --
> Russel.
> =============================================================================
> Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
> <>
> 41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
> London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Kevin Wright

mail / gtalk / msn :
pulse / skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda

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