> JavaScript was not based on Java  its similarities are only perceived
> because so many languages look the same. Sharing keywords does not make it a
> direct relative, if it did then just about every language could be said to
> be a barstardization of C. Even if one does not know java they can pretty
> much read in a basic form c#.

Yes I am aware of the different type system, but according to my copy
of "JavaScript The Definitive Guide", NetScape hired Brendan Eich to
create a language to make their newly added Java support more
accessible to non-Java programmers. In other words, JavaScript would
not exist had it not been for Sun's push for client-side logic into
browsers... who knows, we might be writing vbscript (another bastard
language based on VBA) instead.
You can find concrete evidence that there's indeed talk about a
bastard language, i.e. JavaScript inherits Java's rather odd semantics
of Double.MIN_VALUE (the smallest *positive* number) which is unlike
most other languages I know (yielding the smallest value).

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