> I think you're kidding yourselves if you think you can make a bullet
> list that will explain the next big language.  

I'm not sure the discussion here is trying to do that although I agree
with your point.

> At best, you can make
> one that explains what you would like to see.  Unless you have the
> power of someone like Jobs, than getting the rest of the world to
> agree is a non-starter.

Where do languages come from? Thinking of Occam and Ada, they were
languages crafted to serve specific purposes. If a language is well
crafted for its intended purpose you don't need to get people to
agree. Over time people will gravitate towards the 'successful'
language as it proves itself, leaving the unsuccessful to wither on
the vine, in a somewhat Darwinian fashion.

I think pulling Jobs in to the discussion is at best a bit misleading
and at worst a red herring. After all, even Apple have produced duff
products (buttonless iPod Shuffle for one, underwhelming and overly
restricting AppleTV - both versions - for another).

Further, Apple have *not* been successful in getting the world to
agree. I give you FireWire. An excellent tech that people not using
Apple hardware rarely come into contact with. I love it for its
ability to sustain consistently high data transfer speeds (as opposed
to USB's 'best effort') and choose FireWire plus USB over USB only
external hard drives every time.

In short, the rest of the world will agree with Apple when it is in
their interest to do so. If objectives don't align, it isn't going to
happen, regardless of the company, unless a true monopoly exists and
is being abused.

> (That is to say, I hear more interest in
> obj-c than I do in any of the languages that have ever been mentioned
> here as "the next big thing.")

That's because Objective C is earning people money and this is an
entirely reasonable position. It doesn't make discussions of new
languages invalid, any more than it makes the creation of new
languages invalid. Many will be created, most will fall quickly by the
wayside, and those that can be quickly and cheaply applied to bring
commercial advantage will gain traction quicker than those that can't.
I've heard enough to know that Scala will fit well in certain niches,
especially on the computation side (time to throw out the Fortran

As far as this thread goes I'd have to say that my current view is
"functional is definitely a good thing" whilst remaining unconvinced
that "Scala will be the one". But I'll still take a look - just not a
£500-a-day training course.

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