That's rather oversimplifying matters. In particular, its just not true that 
the pro checked exception camp can "write exactly the same code as now". 
Writing code is an act. It involves more than hitting keys on a keyboard. 
You look at a screen. Your editor tells you things. One of the things 
that'll be changing is that your editor is no longer telling you that you 
forgot to handle a checked exception.

I _DONT_ like checked exceptions all that much and I'll say right now that 
removing them wholesale from java is a very painful idea. Whenever I write 
code calling a method that reports expectable errors via checked exceptions 
(FileNotFoundException for example), even if I remember the exact type of 
that exception, I'll just write the line, wait for the error, and then 
quickfix the error. I'm so used to this that my muscle memory is going to 
have a lot of trouble adjusting to a world where this does not happen.

In the spirit of your argument, what can we pragmatically do for java given 
the need to maintain backwards compatibility? The pipe dreams painted by 
Kevin Wright and other functional fans of basically rewriting APIs to return 
Eithers or CPS or other paradigms is obviously not a solution (to be fair to 
them, that wasn't the discussion then).

I only see 2 workable options:

(A) Define that henceforth all exceptions are to be unchecked. This is 
backwards compatible, in that all code that compiles today will compile 
tomorrow and do the same thing. But, as I said above, this isn't all that 
compatible with muscle memory and existing library designs.

(B) Give an option to officially 'ignore' an exception, meaning you can 
throw / fail to handle a checked exception without declaring that you 
'throw' it. This change would go along with the ability to catch a checked 
exception even if no statement in the try block appears to throw it, 
generating just a (suppressable) warning, instead of java6's current 
behaviour where this is an error. For example:

public String readWordList() ignores IOException {
    InputStream in = MyClass.class.getResourceAsStream("wordlist.txt");

The above example is rather poignant, too, as such code will throw an 
IOException exactly as likely as a ClassNotFoundError, which is so far to 
the 'unexpectable and unhandleable' side of the chart that it's not even a 
RuntimeException, it's an Error.

Is there a serious problem here for those who consider the checked exception 
experiment a total failure? I already know from espousing this view 
elsewhere that checked exception purists don't feel this is pure enough. 
Pointing out that you can effectively ignore exceptions already with some 
fancy generics abuse, or interop with _ANY_ non-java language on the JVM, 
does not appear to help. But what about those who don't want checked 
exceptions at all? Would this be a fair compromise?

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