Tech News Today covered this on Friday and I was yelling rude words at
the car radio, if only because the situation is being badly
misrepresented. The Register took the same line.

As others have said here, Google have a history of holding back on the
source code until after hardware has been released (Froyo is the one
that springs most quickly to mind).

The sad fact is that Honeycomb isn't finished. Yet. I'd far rather
Google hold back if it knows it is going to improve the code base.
Keeping Honeycomb closed source indefinitely though? I don't see that
happening - there are plenty of deep integration apps where developers
will need to eyeball OS code when porting to Honeycomb, quite aside of
any other side issues. I don't believe it is Google's intent to keep
the code out of the public domain.

Does this favour the 'preferred' suppliers. Well yes, but not to the
point that others will be closed out of competing in the long run. And
hopefully what we get is a better version of the OS that requires
little or no code change to skin, because Google really does need to
tackle the fragmentation/lack of upgrade issue.

On Mar 26, 11:19 am, Reinier Zwitserloot <> wrote:
> It's also worth noting that Google honestly tried to get under the
> restrictive policies of carriers by selling phones directly.  The public did
> not bite. Google scores some points here, if you ask me, for at least trying
> it. If that _had_ worked out more, they could move much more aggressively
> towards opening up more without hampering android adoption.
> Interestingly, for once consumer choice is probably getting in the way; if
> the iPhone did not exist I bet google would have been okay with moving a
> little slower in trade for pressuring the carriers more to i.e. promise to
> FOSS more of the carriers' custom contributions. Maybe. We'll never know, I
> guess.

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