By the way, a recurring theme of the past few roundups has been along
the lines of "if we made a company with the people we have here, how
much ass would that company kick?" :-). I am looking forward to the
flip side of that - if I spent a week coding with people willing to
fly to a town about as isolated as it could be, how much cool code
could be produced?


On May 20, 6:57 am, Dick Wall <> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I am delighted (oo - came over all Steve Jobs there - delightful!).
> Anyway, I am delighted to announce that you can now sign up for the
> Scala summer programming camp. The link for registration, waiver and a
> whole bunch of information is:
> Thanks to Bruce Eckel for putting this together.
> Right now Scala is the only "formal" camp taking place during this
> week, however there are more slots if people want to self organize -
> say a Flex camp, or a Clojure camp, or a Groovy camp (the last one has
> to have lots of crystals and new-age music :-) ).
> A couple of other points about this.
> First, it's going to be wicked fun - mountain biking, hiking and other
> outdoors stuff in the mornings, hardcore geekery through the
> afternoons and evenings, and no set format other than that (hell, even
> that is not set, code all the time if you like).
> Second, it's cheap, at least the conference is. $200 for the week,
> since we have no idea of the numbers we will get for this first one,
> if we only get a few, attendees may be asked to chip in a few more $$
> to cover costs, but I think this is unlikely and even if it does
> happen, it will be tens of dollars at the most. More likely is that we
> have have a surplus, and we are going to spend that conscientiously -
> the camp itself is non-profit and will cover costs, nothing more. I
> favor giving any surplus to charity, but rest assured something
> sensible will be done.
> It is possible to do the whole thing on quite a tight budget. A few
> hints: flights into Denver and driving from there seem to be a lot
> cheaper than flights into Gunisson (for example, I can get a round
> trip for under $300 with one of the budget airlines, share a rental
> car and you are golden). Also I think Bruce mentioned that staying at
> the mountain resort is inexpensive in the summer if you can't find a
> shared house (shared houses are fun though, so if you can go that
> route, do).
> Third, this is not an official posse event! It may be that I am the
> only one there from the posse, although Carl mentioned an interest at
> one point.
> With all that said, I think this is going to be tons of fun and if we
> get enough interest we will likely do it again next year.
> Information and sign up is at:
> Thanks, and I hope to see some of you there :-)

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