On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Josh Berry <tae...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I could be wrong, but I think an underlying point Kevin was making was
> that there is no compiler support outside of implicits for the
> collections in scala.  That is, if you had a use case that was similar
> to this in code you were writing, you too could take advantage of it.
> Since Fantom doesn't even let you write generic classes, I'm guessing
> they special case their collections in the compiler.

Yes, they most likely do. Don't focus on Fantom, I picked it because it's
the fastest I can write an example with. I'm looking forward to writing
this in Kotlin (with reified generics, no less).

My point was that I often feel that Scala is the proverbial frog being
slowly cooked in its own complexity and not realizing that there are easier
ways to provide certain functionalities. At the expense of certain
features, for sure, so the question remains: are these extra features worth
paying for the complexity and creating this rift between regular and API


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