On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:38 PM, Ricky Clarkson <ricky.clark...@gmail.com>wrote:

> > Since Fantom doesn't even let you write generic classes, I'm guessing
> > they special case their collections in the compiler.
> That really bugs me.  When I began using Java I was really impressed
> at what I would now call dogfooding, that it was pretty much built in
> itself at least as far as the library goes, whereas I don't think that
> was true for any of the BASICs I'd used beforehand.  It was true of C,
> C++ and Pascal which I used before Java but for some reason the
> importance of it didn't really click until Java.
> To see Fantom provide built-in generic types only seems like a serious
> step backwards, like not having lambdas or not having recursion.

I agree, it's a weakness, and one that Andy and Brian are resolved to
address as soon as possible (and since there is some built-in generic
support already present, I'm hoping the effort won't be too colossal).

I think it would be an acceptable limitation in the absence of the
competition (after all, we managed to get by without generics in Java for a
decade), but with Scala/Gosu/Ceylon/Kotlin around, I understand if this
shortcoming makes people uncomfortable.


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