More interestingly, you can write:

def lengthyAsyncOp1(): Future[Int] = ...
def lengthyAsyncOp2(): Future[Int] = ...

*//this returns instantly*
val futureSum = for {
  int1 <- lengthyAsyncOp1()
  int2 <- lengthyAsyncOp2()
} yield {
  int1 + int2

... keep doing other stuff ...

*//this next line blocks the thread*
val answer = Await.result(futureSum)
println("the answer was: " + answer)

That's not something that you can do with an iterator, because map and
flatMap represent a much more general concept than just some cursor over a

On 31 July 2012 17:49, Ricky Clarkson <> wrote:

> Scala could add .map, .flatMap etc., to, say, java.util.Enumeration, via
> implicit conversions, so then you could write:
> for (element <- enumeration) stuff using element
> In Java you'll need an explicit wrapper object, i.e., noise.
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Dale Wijnand <>wrote:
>> I fail to see how that is any different to Java's for-each depending on
>> Iterable. You've replaced depending on a type with adhering to a
>> implied method signature, or am I missing something?
>> Dale
>> On 31 July 2012 18:39, Kevin Wright <> wrote:
>>> You can implement FilterMonadic if you want, but the compiler doesn't
>>> demand that you do.
>>> It's more useful as a marker trait, and to be sure that you've
>>> implemented all the methods that you intended to implement.
>>> comprehensions are transformed to map/flatMap/etc. very early on in the
>>> compiler, and certainly don't rely on any type information.
>>> On 31 July 2012 14:45, Dale Wijnand <> wrote:
>>>> Doesn't that mean it must
>>>> implement scala.collection.generic.FilterMonadic?
>>>> (or is it scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce..)
>>>> Dale
>>>> On 31 July 2012 14:46, Kevin Wright <> wrote:
>>>>> Without lambdas, you're a bit limited here.  But with them, I've found
>>>>> scala's approach to work well.
>>>>> for(x <- xs) { println(x) }
>>>>> is just syntactic sugar for
>>>>> xs foreach { x => println(x) }
>>>>> and
>>>>> for(x <- xs) yield { x.toUpperCase }
>>>>> is
>>>>> xs map { x => x.toUpperCase }
>>>>> *anything* with the appropriate map/flatMap/filter/foreach method(s)
>>>>> on can be used in a for-comprehension.
>>>>> (which is why scala doesn't call it a "for loop", because it really
>>>>> isn't)
>>>>> On 31 July 2012 13:31, Dale Wijnand <> wrote:
>>>>>> I would say you could create delegating iterables/iterators for those
>>>>>> types. What would be an alternative would you have preferred?
>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>> On 31 July 2012 14:17, Kevin Wright <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes/No.  You're still forced to only use it with things that can be
>>>>>>> Iterables, yet there's a whole category of stuff where foreach makes 
>>>>>>> sense,
>>>>>>> but can't be represented in this manner.
>>>>>>> One of the more obvious examples here is something like a stream of
>>>>>>> lines coming over a network socket, in which you want the body of the
>>>>>>> foreach expression to be executed asynchronously for each incoming line
>>>>>>> (perhaps by dispatching to a thread pool), and for the expression as a
>>>>>>> whole to be non-blocking.
>>>>>>> On 31 July 2012 08:15, Roland Tepp <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sorry, couldn't resist, but let your class implement Iterable and
>>>>>>>> voila - the foreach is extended!
>>>>>>>> esmaspäev, 30. juuli 2012 15:55.30 UTC+3 kirjutas Ricky Clarkson:
>>>>>>>>> 6. foreach is not open for extension, i.e., it only works with
>>>>>>>>> Iterables and arrays.

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