At this point, you're probably being over-paraniod in the wrong direction!

So far as I'm aware, you're at higher risk of having your card cloned from
a cardholder-not-present transaction over the phone, or from day-0 exploit
that logs your keyboard/clipboard, or from a remote website being hacked,
or from a cashpoint that's been exploited.

Can you convince me that it's safer to type in your password each time, or
to copy/paste than it is to allow a dedicated application to autofill web
forms for you?

On 17 December 2012 10:55, Fabrizio Giudici

> On Mon, 17 Dec 2012 09:48:35 +0100, Jan Goyvaerts <>
> wrote:
>  I'm using Lastpass <> - it logs in for you,
>> generates
>> impossible passwords, has a plugin for many browsers, seems to have
>> integration with Linux systems too. It has an ios app, but never used
>> that.
>> I don't even know the passwords of the sites any more. I just know it's
>> all
>> different 20+ characters random crap. I only know the master password. :-)
> It's what I'd like to do - but who guarantees that Lastpass is secure?
> That it stores passwords correctly encrypted? That it doesn't leak them in
> memory? That it doesn't send them to a server?
> Until somebody convinces me of the safety of these tools (*) I keep the
> non-critical passwords (e.g. forums) stored in my browser, and the critical
> ones (e.g. money-related, etc...) in a plain text file stored in a USB key
> encrypted with Truecrypt, that I only mount when needed. This involves that
> I don't do anything critical with my Android phone.
> (*) Honestly, I think it's very hard to do. It would involve at least:
> that the tool is open source, that it has been reviewed by some experts and
> that I can install the application from a build I do by myself.

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