Thing is, not everybody follows - or will follow - these rules. People wilfully post messages that they know are off-topic, for example. They will also forward seasonal messages and jokes because they want to ... share them! ... The messages anyway will get to your Inbox, will they not? Spammers are using all kinds of subject lines to spam messages now. In the past, there have been occasional spam messages addressed to jaws listservs, because of the word "JAWS". (Debbie Scales was fair and strict as a moderator, but even she couldn't prevent the occasional spam message from getting to all on that list.) Anyway, the creating of messages rules and preferences in how to make them are matters of personal taste and use/experience. Human nature being what it is ... The 20th-century proverb, if you like, was, "rules are made to be broken". ----- Original Message ----- From: Ricque To: Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 11:08 PM
 Subject: [JAWS-Users] Re: How do i create the new message rule for this list?

Well, in the first place, forwards are inappropriate for this list, and should be for any list. Secondly, the subject prefix is designed to cut out spam, but everybody is free to choose the way they want to set up message rules.
 Any good list manager, or owner, will put a prefix in place and leave it.
The one thing to keep in mind is, that rules are made to be followed, and so when posters to lists that I'm on don't post in accordance with my message rules, I don't see their messages. It has been my understanding that when it comes to posting to e-mail liststhat proper etiquet should be practiced:
 No forwards
 No carbon copies
 No group distribution
If everybody followed these simple rules of conduct, then all lists, and message rules would work so much better.
----- Original Message ----- >From: "Walt Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To: <>
 Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 2:25 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Re: How do i create the new message rule for this list?

 And what if someone on another list forwards something from a list where
 you're using the content on the Subject line? That's exactly what I want to
 avoid, which is why I never use it as a filter trigger. Also, a list owner
 (on YahooGroups, anyhow) can remove the list name from the Subject line at
 any time, but they can't change the list address.

----- Original Message ----- >From: "Ricque" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To: <>
 Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 4:10 PM
 Subject: [JAWS-Users] Re: How do i create the new message rule for this

 It's not a problem to use the subject line, if it contains a standard
 is the prefix David set for this list, so it never fails in a message rule.
 If this isn't the case on other lists, then the, to, and cc fields would be
 a better choice.

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