Well Rick is a tuff act to follow, but I am going to try and acquit myself 
never the less. As of right now we have a total of 414 subscribers to both 
list. That's obviously more than I thought would ever happen when I began 
this little project almost 2 years ago. So it looks like once again we must 
make further improvements to the way things are being managed since the 
membership is becoming so large, but that's a good thing. In my opinion at 
least it means something is being done correctly.
David Ferrin
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Moderator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 2:54 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] MEMO TO THE LIST

In the past month the membership to both lists has grown, causing the 
management team
to take a closer look at general list operation.
A couple of items have come to the attention of the management team
and this applies to both the blind-computing, and jaws-users lists.
Members that are subscribed to both lists, will get this twice since it will 
be posted to both
1. Cross-posting
Recently, it appears that the number of cross-postings to the list has 
We need to bring this method of posting to an end.
Besides the fact that cross-posting is improper e-mail list etiquet,
it's benefits are out-weighed by the problems it causes.
Plain and simplly put, it's nothing less than laziness on the part of the 
This method of posting plays havoc with some peoples message rules in their 
e-mail client.
This practice is annoying, as well as inconsiderate, and discourteous to 
Members should not have to adjust their message rules , to accomodate those 
who won't take an extra
minute or so to post in a proper manner.
Additionally, it generates unnecessary list traffic, and actually serves to 
slow the overall
performance of the list.
If you want to post the same question to multiple lists, then it should be 
done on an individual
message basis.
I currently subscribe to more than 30 lists, and on occasion I will post the 
same question to
several lists, but I do it without cross-posting.
If you are subscribed to several lists, as I'm sure many are, then
post your question to the list that is most appropriate for it.
If you don't recieve an answer, then you can
figure 1 of 2 things generally speaking:
Either no one on-list has an answer to your question, or the person that has 
an answer hasn't read
the message yet.
If you don't get an answer on a specialized list such as for example 
Then post your question to a more generalized list such as 
There is a list of e-mail lists on the resources page at:
that includes links to other pages that contain additional e-mail list 
Also, just like placing o/t in the subject field doesn't make it okay to 
post the message,
saying I apologize, or sorry for the cross-posting doesn't excuse the 
Placing this statement in the message says  that the poster has only one 
consideration, and that is
Don't perform the action, and you won't have to apologize for it.
For those in an employment situation, I can understand your sense of urgency 
for an answer to a
but you get what you pay for, and if you expect a quick answer to your 
question, you should be
getting tech support on a pay-for basis, where you can have more of a say in 
how your request is
Let's remenmber that e-mail lists are comprised of people of all computing 
and that noone here is getting paid for the assistance they offer.
If you are not in an employment situation, and your questions are aimed at 
personal computing, then,
there should be less of a sense of urgency.
Everyone on the list does their best to respond in a timely mmanner.
So, we all need to be patient.
Keep in mind, that this doesn't mean one type of user is more deserving of 
help than another.
David and I will work on the appropriate wording for this , and it will be 
added to the list
guidelines, at the earliest possible time.

2. File Requests.
Recently, we have had some excellent contributions to the list, from within 
the membership.
And we want to encourage this to continue.
We will be working on a better system of file distribution,
so that when menmbers have files  they want to share with the list,
we have a way for members to get the file, or files to the management team
so that we can make them readily available to all list members.
The reason for this, is thatwhen a member posts to the list, that they have 
files to share,
this dramatically increases list traffic and band width.
In order to stream the process and make it more efficient, we will see what 
we can put in place
to facilitate this.
If we can make this happen, then there will be no need to post to the list
asking  people to send files privately.
If a member has a file that may benefit other users, and he or she wants to 
send it to another
member privately,
then they need to take that transaction completely off-list.
This will greatly reduce the occurance of people flooding the list with
requests for private e-mail attachments.
How it works:
When a member has a file to share with the list membership,
they need only make it available to the management team.
At this point, the management team can put the file in an accessible 
location, and then make the
membership aware of that location,
with only one post to the list.
Now, you can see that 1 message is posted, but the file is available to all 
Instant reduction in redundent messages to the list.
3. Just a reminder, that we all, management team included, need to try and 
keep our subject lines on
If David has additional comments he will post them in a seperate post.

David A. Ferrin list owner
Richard Justice-list moderator
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Address for the list archives:
To post to this group, send email to 
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to 
For help from Mailman with your account Put the word help in the subject or 
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