You asked whether a tree view is the same as a list view.  

Not quite.  A tree view does generally allow you to tap the first letter
of the item you want to select and jump there immediately, but the tree
view has to be open first.  That's where a tree view differs from a list
view like your desktop.  A tree view can be opened or expanded with the
arrow keys or in some cases with Enter.  If you have JAWS 9 currently
running on your machine, the Insert+V keystroke opens a tree view of
many of the settings you may want to change.  This is a perfect example
of a tree view, come to think of it.  So it's slightly different from a
list view.


Nolan Crabb
Director of Assistive Technology
The Ohio State University
2054 Drake Center, 1849 Cannon Dr., Columbus, OH 43210

Ph. (614) 735-8688

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