Hello Pattie ,
It was tested only in jaws 7,  therefore it may or may not work in higher 
To make the scripts recognise by jaws 8 .
Please do the following :
 Go to your jaws shared
settings folder by going to
the start menu, programs, jaws eight, explore jaws,
and explore shared
settings. Then, delete the old yahoo scripts that are
already there. Once
they are all deleted, paste in the new scripts
. Once that's done, open up yahoo messenger. Once
your main contact
window is open, press insert q twice quickly. this
will put the
configuration information in the virtual viewer. Arrow
down until you find
configuration name, and copy the name to the
clipboard. the name should be
Yahoo Instant Messenger Main. Once that's done, go
back to your shared
folder, and rename all the new yahoo script files with
this name, but don't
change the extensions, however. When you've finished
with that, restart
yahoo messenger and it should work fine.
The above steps can be followed for other jaws versions as well.

Enhancements :
Fixed a problem where jaws read the incoming messages after a delay.
It was due to a change in constant in jaws version 8.
updated the .jsm file for users of jaws 9.
Included the code from jaws 9.
to read the chat line using alt + 1through 0.
Added a script to say the number and the name of the contacts who are online 
for  the users of jaws 9.

Enhancements for jaws 9
Updated the  jsm file,
Added a script to say the number and the name of the contacts who are online
 Hope this is
----- Original Message -----

In a day, when you don't come across any problems,  -you can be sure that 
you are travelling in the wrong path -.  .
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jaws users" <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 2:14 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Yahoo scripts

> Ok Gang,
> I have downloaded the new Yahoo scripts, and it doesn't fix the alt 1 
> through 10. It says when I try alt 1, unknown scripts call to: say chat 
> message.
> What do I do to fix this problem?
> I'm running Jaws 9, yahoo 8, IE 7, and windows XP home.
> Thanks
> Patti
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