
that sort of thing (the playing of files by WMP instead of Winamp, for 
example) could easily happen if WMP is the last player to have been updated. 
I know that at the time I updated to Windows media Player 9 from 8, it 
wanted to play all file types that it could, until I went in and selected 
some, but not all.  But it's not a problem, really.  Just select the file 
types you want in each player, and they should all cohabit respectfully 
almost ever after.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Victor Gouveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Winamp as default player

Hi Denny,

While I respect your opinion regarding the Winamp Agent and it's uses, I
think you should know that if the default is being taken away from Winamp,
then you most likely have other issues to worry about.

In all the time I have ever used Winamp, well over 8 years, Windows Media
Player has never taken over the playing of my media unless I tell it to.

For example, I have Winamp set to play audio files and CD's, but I let
Windows Media player set to play video files at all times.

This is my preference, since I find Winamp pretty bad at playing video
files, not to mention, and to bring this back on topic, I find the video
controls for Windows Media Player to be more accessible with Jaws.

I have tried playing videos with Winamp, and while I could hear the audio,
my wife, who is sighted, could not see the video portion of the file, so
I've kept this setting ever since.

Suffice it to say, I have never had my audio files hijacked by Windows Media
Player since I've used Winamp.  Wish I could say the same for Internet
Explorer, but glad I can say it for Winamp.

Might this hijacking you are talking about be the result of some possible
viruses or spam, or even spyware that you may not be aware of?

Like I said, I find it strange that your audio files would be hijacked by

I guess the caveat could be that I am a one of a kind user who has never
experienced this, and welcome any comments from others who have experienced
this phenomenon.


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