no, it does matter if your using IE7 with jaws 7, because there are 
some things that it just won't do well. And your adding magic with it 
so that combo just might be crashing on IE7.

At 06:20 PM 2/25/2008, you wrote:
>Dear all,
>I have had a recurring problem with JAWS and the Internet, and I am
>wondering whether there is anyone out there who can suggest something.
>I am using Windows XP Home Edition version 2002 with JAWS 7.1.  When using
>JAWS and MAGic on certain websites, the computer switches off and restarts
>itself.  I have got a sighted person to try out the sites without any
>adaptive software running, and there is no problem.  I have tried the sites
>with JAWS on a separate laptop, and again the whole thing restarts.
>It is immaterial whether the browser I use is Internet Explorer (version 7)
>or Firefox.
>Is there any setting within either JAWS or windows that can view more coding
>or Java, if this is the problem?  I have never done anything other than
>accept the default settings when browsing the web, so I would welcome any
>The only clue I have (although I have no idea how to take advantage of it)
>is that I get a balloon at the bottom of the screen advising me that my
>virtual memory is too low, and that windows is increasing the size of my
>virtual memory paging file.
>The site on which this happens most often is the eBay My eBay page.  It is
>really annoying.  I have had to go back to using Zoomtext for viewing this
>website, which is just about adequate but not nearly as good as being able
>to use JAWS.
>Thanks for any help.
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