Maria, this is an incredibly helpful answer. Thank you for taking the time and 
making the effort.

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Maria Kristic
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Questions relating to an upgrade from Office 2010 to 
Office 2016

1. Yes, absolutely! I have been using Office 2016 since its release with JAWS 
17 and now 18. VFO/FS has done webinars using Office 2016 as well, so yes, it 
is officially supported.
2. Yes, there are differences, but I don't think they will be too difficult to 
get used to. I upgraded from 2010 to 2013 to 2016, so I cannot be too specific 
because I do not remember much about the 2010 layout. Some items in the ribbon 
have been rearranged, and there are times when contextual ribbon tabs will 
appear once you have entered or selected areas where they are relevant (i.e., 
entering a table or chart, in the Instant Search edit field in Outlook, etc.) 
Especially for items I don't use frequently, I like to use the Tell Me feature 
found throughout Office 2016 to find items rather than searching through the 
ribbon (ALT+Q, type what you are looking for, DOWN ARROW to and select from the 
search results). Some ribbon shortcuts have changed. You will find that there 
are more instances in which activating a function causes a pane to open rather 
than a dialog; if it seems like nothing happened after you activate something, 
F6/SHIFT+F6 around to see if a relevant pane has opened. T
 here are new features (new chart types in Excel, the Resume Reading feature in 
Word which will return you to your last place if you activate the Resume 
Reading button within the few seconds that it appears upon opening the 
document, Outlook Attach a File option initially displays recent files you 
worked on, tighter integration with online
services, etc.)   
3. I really cannot say for sure on this one because of my upgrade path...I 
believe I was asked to uninstall my previous version of Office before 
installing the new one...

Good luck!


-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 5:30 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Questions relating to an upgrade from Office 2010 to 
Office 2016

Hi. Jim's posts this afternoon have me hankering to upgrade to 2016. I'm really 
hoping, though, that the upgrade will eliminate an annoying problem FS, this 
list and I have been unable to solve concerning the clipboard interfering with 
JAWS in Outlook. So, my questions:

Does anyone know if FS/VFO has announced they officially support Office 2016 
now? The recent JAWS 18 upgrade notes suggests they do. I also have a call into 
FS about this.

Second, are there big differences between 2010 and 2016, especially in the 
ribbon? (I don't use the JAWS virtual ribbon.)

Third, when I upgrade, will my 2010 settings be retained? How about my JAWS 
settings for Office?

As you might guess, I'm hoping for the least possible time-consuming transition.
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