Hi Nate, I think this is the lesson you were asking about, if not let me know.
The Insert and Escape keys, your best friend part two.

This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group.
Author: Jim Flusche

Email Address:


The Windows 10 and Jaws Yahoo group, The Group home page is below:


The subscribe Link for the Windows 10 and Jaws Yahoo group is below:


*All these text Tutorials are the property of the Windows 10 and Jaws Yahoo 
group, anyone can freely distribute all these free text Tutorials to all 
interested Blind computer users all over the world.
*All the members of the W-10 and Jaws group, may also freely share all my audio 
tutorials with everyone.
*I only ask that they give the W-10 and Jaws group, the credit for all the 
audio and text tutorials that they may freely share with anyone else around the 

So useing the laptop keyboard layout in Jaws is an advantage, not a drawback.
Again for this lesson I will call the capslock key the Jaws key and the numpad 
insert key, the insert key.
For example: using the laptop keyboard layout, For some Jaws keystrokes you 
must use the Capslock+Shift+Control, plus a key on the keyboard to do them.
For Example, in the laptop keyboard layout, If you are running Jaws from the 
system trey, pressing capslock+Shift+Control+J, Brings up the JAWS options menu 
window, with the options sub menu highlighted for you.
You can also press Numpad Insert+J, in the desktop keyboard layout to bring up 
the JAWS options menu window.
Another example, using the laptop keyboard layout, Pressing 
Capslock+Shift+Control+H, Places JAWS Hot Keys in the Virtual Viewer.
You can review them with the Arrow keys, and press the Escape key to close this 
Using the desktop keyboard layout, pressing the numpad Insert+H, Places JAWS 
Hot Keys in the Virtual Viewer.
In the below lesson I will list the Insert key keystroke, followed by the 
Laptop keyboard layout Capslock key keystroke.
I personally use the Jaws laptop keyboard layout, that way I can choose what 
keyboard keystroke combonations, works best for using both my hands.
So it's very nice to have another Jaws modifier key, to use when pressing Jaws 
keystrokes involving the pressing of many keys on the keyboard.
**Now let us look at how to use Jaws layered keystrokes, Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by a letter.
This means when you press Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, you will hear 
a ding sound, you then can press a certain letter or key to open one of the 
many options for the Jaws layered keystrokes.
For example: Pressing Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the ? 
Question mark, you will hear:
Search commands press J.
Repeat last background notification from Skype press Shift+R.
Show recent speech history press H.
Clear recent speech history press Shift+H.
View text on clipboard press C.
Select text between marked place and current position press M.
Customize web page with Flexible Web press X.
ResearchIt press R.
OCR Feature Layer press O.
Table Navigation Layer press T.
Switch to your recent Windows Live Messages press Number row 1 through 5.
Text Analyzer press A.
Mute Synthesizer press S.
Lock Keyboard press L.
Toggle audio ducking press D.
So let us look at most of these layered keystrokes one at a time.
**Pressing either the Numpad Insert+Spacebar, or the Capslock Jaws 
key+Spacebar, followed by the letter J, opens the search for Jaws commands 
For example, after pressing Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by 
J, You are in a Jaws search for commands edit box, type the word copy, press 
the tab key, you are put in a Jaws HTML page of results.
You can use the Arrow keys or H, for heading or Insert+F7, for a Links list, 
press the Escape key to close this window.
Below is an example of what comes up, when you type the word copy in to the 
Jaws search for commands edit box, and press the Tab key, I have shortened the 
*Copy Selected Text To Clipboard. Control + C
Standard Windows copy command, usually found in the Edit menu, any selected 
text or items will be copied to the Windows Clipboard. The selected items or 
text can then be pasted into another window or application.
*View Clipboard Text. press Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by 
the letter C.
The Clipboard Text Viewer displays all text that has been copied to the Windows 
Clipboard using the standard Windows Copy and Cut commands.
*Virtualize Window. Alt + Insert + W or Capslock+ALT+W.
This keystroke displays the text in the current window in the Virtual Viewer. 
You can then select the text and copy and paste it to another application, such 
as an e-mail message. This is especially useful in error dialog boxes.
*Select Text Between Marked Place And Current Position. Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter M.
This command selects text between the temporary Placemarker and current virtual 
cursor location. You may then use Control+c to copy the selected text to the 
*For example: on a website, press Control+Windows+k, to set a temporary 
Placemarker at the beginning of the text to be copied.
At the end of the text to be copied, press Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter M, all the text in-between has been 
selected, press Control+C to copy all the text.
*Append Selected Text To Clipboard. Insert + Windows + C or Capslock+Windows+C.
With the Freedom clipboard, text will be appended to the clipboard, adding it 
to the clipboard at the end of the previous clipboard content. Using a Copy To 
Clipboard command instead of an Append To Clipboard command will erase any 
previous clipboard content and replace it with the new content.
**To show recent speech history from Jaws, press Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter H.
Begin pressing the up Arrow key to hear the most recent speech history of Jaws.
Use the normal select and copy text commands to copy any part of the speech 
history, press the Escape key to close this window.
**To Clear recent speech history press Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, 
followed by Shift+H together.
**To View text on clipboard press Insert+Spacebar or Capslock+Spacebar, 
followed by the letter C.
**To Select text between marked place and current position, press 
Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter M, I explained 
this above.
**to use ResearchIt press Insert+SpacebaR, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by 
the letter R.
You will land in the edit box of research it, type your word or term, Tab one 
time to the list of the look up sources, press enter on the correct one you 
wish to use to llook up your word or term.
**To use the OCR Feature Layer press Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, 
followed by the letter O, followed by the letter W for window .
When the OCR Feature is finished, Jaws will speak with a different voice, use 
your Arrow keys to review the screen.
**To use the Table Navigation Layer press Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter T.
For example, I went to the Yahoo group site.
I went to the top of the table for how many group messages there were for the 
I pressed Insert+Spacebar, followed by T, I used just the four Arrow keys to 
read the Table.
I found out we have already had 333 group messages sent, in the month of 
Febuary so far for the W-10 and Jaws group.
Press the Escape key to get out of the Table Navigation mode.
**to Mute the Jaws Synthesizer voice press Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter S.
To turn back on the Jaws Synthesizer voice, press Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter S.
**to Lock the Keyboard press Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by 
the letter L.
If you try and type why the keyboard is locked, you will hear the message, 
press Insert+Spacebar, followed by the letter L, to unlock the keyboard.
Those are the main Jaws layered keystrokes, that I find that are the most 
**In Internet Explorer.
We have many Jaws Insert key commands to use while we are viewing a website in 
Internet explorer.
**pressing Insert+F7, or Capslock+F7, brings up a list of links on the page, 
pressing the Escape key will close the Jaws links list.
Now after you have pressed Insert+F7, or Capslock+F7, tab four times to, sort 
links in tab order, radio button, or arrow down to, sort links Alphabetically, 
radio button.
The radio button that you select, will change the order of links when you press 
the Tab key, to go back to the Jaws link list.
**Pressing Insert+F7, or Capslock+F7, and pressing the Shift+Tab one time, will 
put you on three display links radio buttons, use the Arrow key to make your 
choice, for the display of the results list, when you Tab one time back to the 
Jaws links list.
You have three choices of radio buttons for what is displayed when you Tab back 
to the Jaws links list.
Display all links, radio button.
Display visited links radio button.
Display unvisited links radio button.
**Pressing Insert+F3, or Capslock+F3, while on an Internet explorer page, will 
open the Virtual HTML features list, pressing the Escape key will close this 
*For example after pressing Insert+F3, or Capslock+F3, you will hear and see:
Virtual HTML Features dialog 
Anchors List
Block Quotes List
Buttons List
Check Boxes List
Controls (Selectable ARIA, combo, lists and trees) List
Divisions List
Edit Boxes List
Form Fields List
Frames List
Graphics List
Headings List
Links List
List Items List
Lists List
Objects List
Paragraphs List
Radio Buttons List,
Tables List
You can use the Arrow keys or use first letter navigation to quickly jump to 
the item you want, press enter to bring up a list, of the selected item.
For example, press the letter H, to bring up a list of headings, press Enter on 
the heading you wish to jump to on the web page.
**Pressing Insert+F6, or Capslock+F6, will bring up the heading lists dialog, 
pressing the Escape key will close this window.
Use your Arrow keys, or use first letter navigation to jump to the heading you 
want, press Enter to jump to that heading on the web page.
**Pressing Insert+F5, or Capslock+F5, will open the Select a form field dialog.
**Pressing Insert+F1, or Capslock+F1, opens a Jaws help page you can read for 
quick help on using Internet explorer.
Below is a short example of part of this help page.
This page contains 50 links.
there are 6 headings.
1 at level 1,
4 at level 2,
1 at level 4,
There is 1 form.
The address of the current page is https://www.bookshare.org/home
This is an HTML or PDF document.
You can use the standard JAWS reading commands or Navigation Quick Keys to 
navigate and read this document. JAWS can also
display lists of certain elements on this page. For example, you can press 
INSERT+F7 for a list of links, INSERT+F6 for a list of headings, or INSERT+F5
for a list of form fields. In addition, if you hold down CTRL+INSERT while 
pressing a Navigation Quick Key, JAWS displays a list of all elements of that
type on the page.
**Pressing Insert+H, or Caplocks+Shift+Control+H, from any web page will bring 
up a list of Jaws keystrokes you can use in Internet explorer, press the Escape 
key to close this window.
Below is part of an example of what you will see.
Go Back a page, ALT+LEFT ARROW.
Read the Address bar, INSERT+A.
Next link, TAB.
Prior link, SHIFT+TAB.
Open a link, ENTER.
Display a list of links, Insert+F7.
Display and manage PlaceMarkers, Control+Shift+k.
Display a list of form fields, JAWSKey+F5.
Display a list of headings, Insert+F6.
Display a list of frames, JAWSKey+F9.
To move through a web page:
Next Radio Button, A.
Next Button, B.
Next ComboBox, C.
Next different element, D.
Next Edit, E.
Next Form Field, F.
Next Graphic, G.
Next Heading, H.
Next List Item, I.
Jump to a specific line with J,
And return to the starting point before the jump with Shift+J.
Next Place Marker, K.
Next List, L.
Next Frame, M.
Skip past links, N.
Next Object, O.
Next Paragraph, P.
Next Main Region, Q.
Next Region, R.
Next Same Element, S.
Next Table, T.
Next unvisited link, U.
Next visited link, V.
Next Checkbox, X.
Next Span element, Y.
Next Division, Z.
Next OnMouseOver element, ; (semicolon).
Add SHIFT to these commands to move to the prior item.
Add Control+JAWSKey to the applicable quick keys to bring up a list of that 
For example, Control+JAWSKey+z will bring up a list of the divisions on the 
**When using Internet explorer, Press and hold INSERT, then press F1 twice 
quickly, or press and hold Capslock and press F1 twice quickly, to open help 
directly to the Internet Explorer topic. Press F6 to move into the help topic 
So when you hold down the Insert key or the Capslock key, and press F1 twice 
quickly, this opens the Jaws HTML help file system with Internet explorer 
already selected, just press the F6 key to open the Jaws HTML help system for 
using Internet explorer, press ALT+f4 to close the Jaws help system.
**Other Insert keystrokes for general use with Jaws.
**Say Top Line of Window INSERT+END key or Capslock+End key.
**Say Bottom Line of Window INSERT+PAGE DOWN or Capslock+Page down.
**Say Selected Text INSERT+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW or Capslock+Shift+Down arrow.
**Say Application Version CTRL+INSERT+V, or Capslock+Control+V.
This is a quick way to see what version you are using in any opened program.
**Press INSERT+CTRL+S, or Capslock+Control+S, to Select a Voice Profile.
If you have several voices for Jaws installed on your computer, this is a quick 
way to switch from one voice back to another Jaws voice.
After pressing INSERT+CTRL+S, or Capslock+Control+S, down Arrow to the voice 
you want to use, press enter, Jaws will automatically switch to that selected 
voice, for you.
**Press INSERT+SPACEBAR, followed by the letter D, or Capslock+Spacebar 
followed by the letter D, to switch the Audio Ducking Toggle on or off.
**Press INSERT+2, or Capslock+2, for Typing Echo Toggle 
So each time you press Insert+2, this Changes the Typing Echo setting, The four 
available choices for Typing Echo are characters, words, both characters and 
words, or none.
**Pressing INSERT+3 or Capslock+3, Pass Key Through.
Some times you may need to press a certain key without Jaws interfering with 
the key you need to press.
So you will press Insert+3 or Capslock+3, then press the keystroke you wish to 
use without Jaws interfering with the keystroke.
**Press INSERT+CTRL+W, or press Capslock+Control+W, to Open Word Index.
This is a quick way to see how many times different words are used on a web 
page or in a document.
**Press INSERT+ALT+W, or Capslock+ALT+W, to Virtualize a Window.
You may need to vertualize a certain window, so you can select, copy and paste 
the text into a email or a document.
**JAWS Keystrokes for Accessing Help.
*Screen Sensitive Help (INSERT+F1) or (Capslock+F1)
This keystroke places the current window or control information, what it is 
used for, and some keystrokes that work in it in the virtual viewer. This 
keystroke works in all cursor modes.
*Keyboard Help (INSERT+1) or (Capslock+1)
Once this keystroke is pressed, press any other keystroke and JAWS will give 
you information about what that keystroke does. Press the keystroke twice 
quickly for detailed information. You must press INSERT+1 or Capslock+1 again 
to return the keyboard to its normal function. Press the keystroke three times 
to hear JAWS say and spell the name of the script attached to that keystroke.
*JAWS Help for Applications (INSERT+F1 pressed twice quickly) or(Capslock+F1 
press twice quickly)
This keystroke provides JAWS specific help for applications supported by JAWS.
*Hot Key Help (INSERT+H) or (Capslock+Shift+Control+H)
This keystroke opens the virtual viewer and lists the JAWS keystrokes for the 
current application.
*Window Key Help (INSERT+W) or(Capslock+W)
This keystroke opens the virtual viewer and lists the Windows keystrokes for 
the current application.
**Jaws Laptop keyboard keystrokes.
Even if you use a desktop system or keyboard, you may wish to try the Laptop 
keyboard layout.
When using the Laptop keyboard layout, most of your commands are right at your 
fingertips - as you type - so you do not need to continually switch your right 
hand to the number pad and back to the main section of your keyboard.
**Jaws Laptop Keystrokes for Reading Text and Information.
Description Command 
Say Prior Character CAPS LOCK+M 
Say Next Character CAPS LOCK+PERIOD 
Say Character CAPS LOCK+COMMA 
Say Character Phonetically CAPS LOCK+COMMA twice quickly 
Say Prior Word CAPS LOCK+J 
Say Next Word CAPS LOCK+L 
Spell Word CAPS LOCK+K twice quickly 
Say Prior Line CAPS LOCK+U 
Say Next Line CAPS LOCK+O 
Spell Current Line CAPS LOCK+I twice quickly 
Say Prior Sentence CAPS LOCK+Y 
Say Next Sentence CAPS LOCK+N 
Say Sentence CAPS LOCK+H 
Say Prior Paragraph CAPS LOCK+CTRL+U 
Say Next Paragraph CAPS LOCK+CTRL+O (Note: For Internet Explorer, this command 
opens a list that shows the objects available on the current Web page. The HTML 
Object tag embeds content such as Flash movies, JAVA applets, images, audio, 
and video.) 
Say Paragraph CAPS LOCK+CTRL+I 
Spell to Cursor CAPS LOCK+HOME or 
CAPS LOCK+SHIFT+J twice quickly 
Spell from Cursor CAPS LOCK+PAGE UP or 
CAPS LOCK+SHIFT+L twice quickly 
Say Color CAPS LOCK+5 
Say Top Line of Window CAPS LOCK+SHIFT+Y 
Say Bottom Line of Window CAPS LOCK+SHIFT+N 
Report Battery Level CAPS LOCK+SHIFT+B 
Say ASCII or Hexadecimal Value CAPS LOCK+COMMA three times quickly 
Say Current Table Cell ALT+SHIFT+COMMA 
Move to Prior Table Cell ALT+SHIFT+M 
Move to Next Table Cell ALT+SHIFT+PERIOD 
Move Up One Table Cell ALT+SHIFT+Y 
Move Down One Table Cell ALT+SHIFT+N 
Skim Reading dialog box CTRL+CAPS LOCK+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW.
Again all feedback is welcome at all times from all members.

*My purpose for developing all of this free material for the Blind computer 
user is to help teach and assist a Blind person to use w-10 with a Screen 
reader like Jaws.
*My hope is that the Blind computer user will grow in confidence, in their 
ability, to use, and to navigate the w-10 computer system, using just Jaws.
*We also have group members, to can help teach about using NVDA, on a W-10 
computer as well.
*This is one of many tutorials, I hope to produce, for the Blind community, to 
help teach all of them, how to use a W-10 computer using Jaws.
*My hope is , That over time, they would learn how to do, and complete, various 
computer tasks in W-10, all by themselves.
*The W-10 and Jaws yahoo group is a freely provided ministry of The River Yahoo 
*I freely offer the W-10 and Jaws group, and all of its materials, as a free 
and voluntary work of love, to reach out and teach all the blind computer users 
all over the world, how to learn how to use a W-10 computer using Jaws. 

You can subscribe to The River group at:


Happy learning! God bless!
Sincerely: Jim Flusche.
Windows 10 and Jaws group.

Your humble pinhead!
Owner of the W-10 and Jaws Yahoo group! Smiles.

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [mailto:jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com] On Behalf 
Of Nate Kile
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:08 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] [jaws] copy multiple pages

Hello Jim, I am wondering if you could put your hands on the layered keystroke 
lesson and repost it? It was a good one and I want to share it with a student.
Nate Kile

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [mailto:jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 8:46 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] [jaws] copy multiple pages

Yes. Smiles.

Your humble pinhead!
Owner of the W-10 and Jaws Yahoo group! Smiles.

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [mailto:jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com] On Behalf 
Of jyandt.mar...@comcast.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 12:11 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] [jaws] copy multiple pages

Do the same instructions apply to a document from a website?

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Spratt
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 8:01 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] [jaws] copy multiple pages

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [mailto:jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com] On 
Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 8:13 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] [jaws] copy multiple pages

this isn't very defined on how to do it, to me, but thank you

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Spratt
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 6:16 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] [jaws] copy multiple pages

>From Jim's recent "Best Friend" directions:

1. Create Temporary PlaceMarker CTRL+WINDOWS Key+K 2. Select Text Between 
Temporary PlaceMarker and Cursor Position 3. INSERT+SPACEBAR, M

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [mailto:jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com] On 
Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 7:04 AM
To: jul
Subject: [JAWS-Users] [jaws] copy multiple pages

are there jaws keystrokes to copy multiple pages (pages 4 through 9) of a 20

page document? word 2007, jaws 17 For answers to frequently asked questions 
about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

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