is insert the jaws key

-----Original Message----- From: David Bailes
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 8:17 AM
To: Jaws Users
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] unhide wlm toolbar

Could you let us know which version of windows live mail you are using? To
do this, with windows live mail open, press insert + ctrl + v (assuming
you're using desktop layout). The only important bit is the number before
the point, which  will be something like 12, 14, or 15.


original message:
same result with alt + m, there's just a click sound when keys are
hit, but nothing

-----Original Message----- From: David Bailes

Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 6:56 AM
To: Jaws Users
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] unhide wlm toolbar

I presume that you mean that the menu bar is hidden. To show the menu bar:
1. Press alt + M to press a menu button on the toolbar. A menu opens.
2. On the menu find "show menu bar" and press Enter. Note that if you find
"hide menu bar" rather than "show menu bar", then the menu bar is in fact
being shown, and there must be another problem.
I got my info from this

I don't have this version of windows live mail installed, so I can't do any
testing myself.

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