From: Eric Damery 
To: David Ferrin 
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 11:21 AM
Subject: There have been a couple posts of echoing after updating


I have seen a couple of posts show up on lists where users hear some strange 
after installing the update. They have described it as an echoing. While I'm 
not certain, I suspect they have gotten into a state where two instances of 
JAWS are running. I always suggest that if for some reason, things don't seem 
right after doing the update, the user reboot an extra time as sometimes, 
something is a miss after the first reboot when JAWS launches, right after an 

The other suggestion I would make to users who are having strange problems that 
others are not experiencing. It might make sense to consider clearing out the 
files in there users folder under the JAWS Program Folder. This would result in 
them having to set up voice settings and everything again but sometimes, it is 
easier to get rid of everything and start over then track down the old setting 
which might be causing the conflict.

They can also test this theory by just launching JAWS from the Run Dialog this 
c:\jaws9 /default

This will by pass their current user folder and let them run with default 
settings to test and see if there settings are causing the issue.

Eric Damery
Freedom Scientific, Inc.
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