hello well speaking from my experience I have not gotten a job doing anything on the computer or off of it so the idea of jaws helping people try to find work is kind of a joke at least it has been my experience. when you think that 99.9 percent of people 1 have never herd of jaws or screen readers or adaptive technology and 2 people still wont give blind people a brake where jobs are concerned then I really don't think this is going to change any time soon and also another point 3 most adaptive technology like jaws etc is to expensive for most blind people to be able to pay for on there own and so because it is so expensive it is really not worth spending that much money on. I mean sure I have jaws and I use it every day but to just get jaws and all this adaptive equipment just for the hope of trying to find a job is kind of pointless because the un employment rates are so high and amounst blind people it is really high and I don't see that changing any time soon. well I will get off my sope box now. from Mich Verrier.

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