sorry about my confusion people my apologies I didn't think it would go that far heheheheheeh lol relax everyone I don't wana do it is that better? thanks cheers everyone smiles ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Ferrin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Scripting: Personal Jaws Startup

The fact is discussing how to de-compile or crack an executable file is
illegal and as such not permitted on any list at all under this domain name.
I do agree with you Kate but my previous statement stands for anybody who
might ever consider posting such information on here. Such people will be
removed from this list and also banned from ever returning.
David Ferrin
Life is what happens after you have already made other plans.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kate" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Scripting: Personal Jaws Startup

Just a thought, but I'm wondering why your unwilling to share. If a person
is learning something like this and your at least willing to give the
warning that it may cause certain problems, then it's really up to them to
proceed or not proceed with the information. If they make the file unusable,
could they not repair jaws and go from there? I mean, at least to me, this
seems to be a listserve where people can ask questions and learn from one
another. It seems sort of odd to say yes you can do procedure X and then
saying up front, I ain't tellin you how. That kind of responce sounds
elitist at best and snobbish at worst. If your really worried about someone
being angry at you if they don't do the procedure correctly, then just don't
bring it up in the first place.

It just doesn't seem right for someone to decide what information another
person can or can't comprehend and use effectively. We all get responces
like this day in and day out from sighted people who second guess our
abilities. Doesn't make sense to do the same sort of thing to each other
here, too. We should all be adult enough to know our own level of comfort
with our computer tinkering skills. And we should all be adult enough to
know how to handle the consequences of anything we do decide to try.

This is only my opinion on the matter. I know others might disagree and
that's fine. I just wanted to put in my own two cents.

Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 15:27:30 -0500
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Scripting: Personal Jaws Startup

you can't do it with scripting. it can only be done with a hex
editor, and no I won't tell you what file to do it to or what to look
for to remove it.
Because if you don't know what you are doing the file can be come
At 02:40 PM 2/2/2009, you wrote:
>Aha!  Unfortunately no.  That startup message is hard wired into the
>of Jaws.  I have no idea where you'd go in the scripting to remove that
>start up message.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Rissal" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 1:49 PM
>Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Scripting: Personal Jaws Startup
>can I get rid of the following message?: jaws for windows is ready and
>that greeting instead is that possible? thanks cheers
>skype: mr.riss
>msn: thanks again.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jack" <>
>To: "JAWS Users Group" <>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 12:46 AM
>Subject: [JAWS-Users] Scripting: Personal Jaws Startup
> > Hi Group,
> >
> > A few years back, someone sent me some scripts to personalized my Jaws
> > startup.  I've found that I can't use these scripts in Jaws 10.  I'll
> > post
> > them below.  Maybe someone can point out what changes need to be made
> > to
> > make these scripts work with Jaws 10.  I'm just starting to learn
> > scripting
> > and I'm not familiar with how to update these scripts to make them
> > work
> > with
> > Jaws 10.  Any input would be appreciated.
> > Jack
> >
> > If you would like for Jaws to give you the time and date at startup,
> > do
> > the
> > following.
> > 1. press Insert+0.
> > 2. Press ctrl+shift+D.
> > 3. press ctrl+L
> > 4. Arrow down untill you hear autostart event.
> > 5. press enter
> > 6. down arrow untill you find the following 2 lines
> >
> > endIf
> > endIf ; DefaultFirstTime == 0
> >
> > 7. just above where it says, EndIf, create a blank line.  You do this
> > by
> > putting your cursor on the E, in EndIf, then hitting enter.  Now arrow
> > up
> > once to the blank line you just made.
> > Now, paste in the following text.  Remember to personalize the user
> > name.
> >
> > SayString("Hello user name, Today is")
> > Say ( SysGetDate(), ot_string)
> > Say (SysGetTime(), ot_string)
> > SayString("Have a good day!")
> >
> > ** Note that you can change the last line to say whatever you want.
> > "Have
> > a
> > good day" is just an example.**
> > 8. Now hit ctrl+S to recompile the scripts.
> > 9. You can now hit alt-F4 to close the scripts.
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