I didn't take the time to read it, I just gave him his wish.
David Ferrin
I tried thinking once but decided it was a bad idea.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dale Leavens" <dleav...@puc.net>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2009 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Duary of a firework.

Not much of a story unless maybe written by a fifth grader.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Ferrin" <d...@jaws-users.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2009 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Duary of a firework.

> This is a wish we can certainly grant.
> David Ferrin
> I tried thinking once but decided it was a bad idea.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Robert kingett" <kingettb...@gmail.com>
> To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
> Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2009 12:32 PM
> Subject: [JAWS-Users] Duary of a firework.
> I know this doesn't deal with jaws, but its just something, as an aspiring
> author and all, I thought I should share with you all. enjoy, and u can
> remove me if u wish... I don't care.
> Diary of a firework.
> By Robert Kingett.
> Saturday, July 04, 2009
> Sigh. I'm bored. No, in fact, I am far beyond bored. What to do what to
> do.
> I'm this tiny box now just sitting here like I'm waiting for jerry
> Springer
> to come on or something. It's so depressing and dark in here. I'm thirsty.
> Okay. I'm bored. I'm going to go nap.
> Okay. I am awake now. God. My brother won't stay still here in this box of
> mine. When I'm looking up interesting things, like how our kind were
> originally made in ancient China for example, do you know what he does?
> Shifts the box. I swear! He shifts it so much that it nearly topples off
> the
> shelf. Hey! I yell at him. I'm learning here! Go get snuffed. He tells me.
> I
> hate siblings.
> Well, about this time my dark home is moving. its being loaded into
> something that smells like an old room. Dusty and hot. Now I am being
> bounced like nuts. My bro, like the evident sparkler that he is, is having
> a
> blast. He's an idiot. I don't like this, but I guess I can endure it for a
> little while. Oh dear god! My bro is talking about "getting lit." I swear.
> He daydreams too much. That never happens. I heard the helicopters
> however,
> saying that it's the first step on a road to a different world. The bottle
> rockets are of no huge help when I want to talk to someone. All they want
> to
> do is go boom. Sigh. Am I the only one with a brain here?
> I've been trying to figure out what I am. All the adults say I am
> something
> special, that I will bring joy into people's hearts on one day of the
> year.
> I think they have all been snuffed out too long, not to mention drenched
> in
> water. I'm sure, like my family, I am nothing more than a sparkler. My dad
> agrees with my mom, and they keep talking about me like I'm some great
> thing
> or something. I'm not. I mean, in school, when the big ball was talking
> about how it's our destiny to be lighten up, at one point in our lives, I
> was daydreaming about this totally awesome pink named. A. but see, his
> families are all something called ASSORTMENTS. I don't know what that
> means,
> but my mom said it was very unusual, and socially unacceptable.
> "ASSORTMENTS don't know how to let up!" My mom practically shouted when I
> asked her. "And they are just so confusing with all those beings in one
> box.
> Dear me!" She got so distressed that she started to smoke.
> The truck has stopped, and now my home is being lifted out and placed on a
> shelf where I hear people all about walking past. I want to say hi, but I
> don't think my spark looks good. I spent like 6 minutes in the bathroom
> today trying to get my color just right. "G!" my mom yelled at me.
> "You have been at that for about an hour!" She boomed at me. Oops. I
> didn't
> know that.
> "You act like your going to go to the show, and I will NOT, by the way,
> let
> you do that until you are an adult!" I wanted so badly to go to the show.
> I
> want to do it now, so why wouldn't she let me? I mean, it's the most
> important time in our lives! She's so controlling.
> Oh my god! Guess whose box is right next to ours! Yep. A whole swoon of
> Aerial repeaters. God. Why did I have to be put next to popular snobs like
> that! Every morning I hear them talking about their "sparkles!"
> "Oh my god. That glow looks like totally good on you!"
> "Oh my god! You think so?"
> "Totally!" as if their voices and attitudes aren't annoying enough their
> little giggles and bursts of flame aren't attractive either. I want to
> snuff
> them out.
> Oh. my god! This totally hot Reloadable shell just gave me his box shelf!
> Ash! I'm dying! A Reloadable shell is like one of the most popular types
> of
> fireworks like in the whole wide world! Oh god. He asked me to spend the
> night in his box! Oh god! I'm so excited I'm getting hot. Dear me. What
> should I say? You're rather colorific? Oh god! What do I do?
> Um, okay. I didn't know he was of a mixed relation. His mom and dad, even
> though they are Aerial display tubes, are pretty awesome. Kind of sucks to
> hear he's adopted though. His brothers, a firecracker, and a helicopter
> are
> also adopted obviously, but wow. He's hot. And he gleams in the darkness.
> He
> lights me up all the time.
> Okay. Humans are gross. They want to take me home with them. I don't like
> humans with their plane colors and filthy hands. Oh god. My mom is saying
> it's time, but I never got to get married, have kids, and I still want to
> go
> back and talk to that awesome blue hunk. Wow. He's still in my mind, and
> the
> way we smoked together last night. wow. That was amazing. These humans
> keep
> saying I'm going to be used at the last minute. What does that mean? I'm
> not
> broken you know! In fact I can emit colors just fine! So beat that!
> Okay. I didn't know this before, mainly because no one told me. This is
> the
> worst fate in all history of our kind. I don't want to do it! Don't make
> me!
> I'm watching all these other fireworks explode, and I am just now
> realizing
> what fate has in store for me. God, my spark will be ruined. Why didn't
> mom
> tell me about this.
> These humans don't even wash their hands. Ewe! It's like totally gross.
> I'm
> being carried out. These humans keep calling me something, but what is it?
> My mom named me G, and don't get me wrong, it's better than S, or
> something,
> but these humans are like totally butchering my name. I want to get out
> and
> give them a piece of my mind.
> They are now taking me out, and setting me down. I will be lightening up!
> I'm so excited. A match lights behind me. I feel it creeping closer to me,
> but something is wrong. I'm having a sense of fear, and a sense of sadness
> I
> can't quite place. My mind then flashes back to when I saw all my fellow
> kind is lighten up. They all exploded in a shower of colors, and then
> never
> were seen again. Was this what I was going to have to endure? I didn't
> want
> to! I wasn't going to let that happen. I refused to light.
> "Oops. It didn't light." The human said. "Better try again." No! No! No!
> Don't
> do this! I couldn't run, I couldn't breathe. I was trapped. The match came
> into contact with me. I didn't know what to do. As I felt myself being
> ready
> to take off. I knew what I was. I was the grand finale.  THIS WASN'T FAIR!
> I
> had a boyfriend, and he was a total blue hunk! No! No! I couldn't move. As
> I
> felt myself being shot into the sky and my life slipping away in a shower
> of
> different colored sparks. I started to cry. I cried out at the last
> minute,
> my energy nearly gone. "I love you!" he didn't hear me.. And he never
> will.
> I float up to some gates, and another grand finale let's me in. I float a
> little closer, and I see all my friends. The place is bright, and sunny,
> and
> washed in a golden light that comes from some unknown source.
> "Um, like hi." I said to all my friends and family gathered around.
> "It's about time you got here g." a gorgeous velvety voice said to me just
> then. I turn, and see the blue hunk!  Spitting colors at me. I start to
> flare red.
> "So, where is this place?"
> "Duh!" my friend said to me. "It's the after light."
> "The after light?"
> "Did you get dunked in water or something? Yeah. The after light."
> "So." I said." "This is where we go after.?"
> "We go boom!" My friend tells me.
> "This is all stupid. I'm dreaming right? I mean, this isn't real. The blue
> hunk, my boyfriend, sparks at me. I flare white this time.
> "Look. It is real. See what I just did? Oh come on don't get like that.
> "Okay. Fine. I'll accept it." I pouted.
> "Good. Now that that's settled, we have lots of things to catch up on!" he
> started leading me to his own private box. He moved out of his parent's
> box,
> and now he had one of his own. He was flaring blue with excitement. I
> loved
> him, but there was something odd about his movements.
> "Um, what are we about to do?" with a flash of green, then blue, he
> replied
> in a deep voice.
> "Want to make firecrackers?"  with a smoke of excitement, just now knowing
> what his plans are, I go with him, shutting the lid of the box behind me.
> You may contact me by any of the following
> Cell # 904 302 9932
> Email:  kingettb...@gmail.com
> MySpace: www.myspace.com/kingettrobert
> Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/rkingett
> YouTube:   http://www.youtube.com/user/nightwatcher3344
> AIM:  kingettblue
> Skype:  kingettblue
> MSN:  kingettb...@gmail.com
> Yahoo messenger: kingettblue, but I prefer it more if you add my msn
> screen
> name to your yahoo list.
> In my spare time I write stories. I am a aspiring author. one of the
> places
> where you can find and read and review my work even if you do not have an
> account us at Fictionpress.
> http://www.fictionpress.com/u/534188/shadowdog1
> I Host a podcast called the 4 Yo information podcast. You can check out
> the
> site at
> http://www.freewebs.com/4yoinformation/
> And I also do another podcast called the Accessibility in Mind Podcast.
> Check out the site at
> http://www.gcast.com/u/kingettblue/main
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> http://www.jaws-users.com/help/
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