You can change the speed and volume of SAPI voices in the control panel. The specific title of the option differs depending on the version of Windows. In Windows XP, for example, there is a category in the control panel called "speech". In Windows 7, you can look for something in the control panel called "text to speech", or you can simply type "speech" in the start menu's search box. (That last also probably works with Vista.)

As for extra SAPI voices: Microsoft XP comes with horrible Microsoft Sam, and Windows 7 and Vista come with Microsoft Anna, which isn't half bad.

On the jaws-users.com web site, you can find a package containing the Microsoft Mike and Mary voices which will work on Windows.

Later versions of JAWS should also come shipped with versions of the ScanSoft SAPI voices called either Realspeak Solo or Realspeak Solo Direct. I'm not sure which version of JAWS started shipping these voices. I do know that my version of JAWS 9 shipped with the Solo voices, and version 10 started shipping with the Solo Direct voices. (The direct voices are thought to be more responsive.)

Also, if you received the JAWS 11 DVD install disk, you will be presented with three buttons when you insert it: one will allow you to install JAWS, another will allow you to install Magic, and the third will allow you to install the Realspeak Solo direct voice packages for English and Spanish.


From: "Wayne Scott" <waynedsc...@cableone.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 6:12 PM
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Subject: [JAWS-Users] question about Sapi 5

My wife and i both noticed that Sapi 5 is much quite4r than Eloquence software. Why is that? How do you turn up the volume on Sapi? I also noiticed that it only has one voice. Wayne "A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones."
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