Hi Tim:

My thanks to you for letting me know that this problem that I'm having with bouncing messages, wasn't exclusive to me. When I posted this problem to the list, Mine was the only post that one of the list members had seen, and was thus told to just reply to that message when ever I saw it. I did that, and am still doing that when I see it, but I'm still getting those messages anyway. I really don't want at this point, to have too establish a different account just too be able to receive messages from this particular list, so until they fix it or even try too, I'll guessI'll just have too liv with ----- Original Message ----- From: "tim" <z200...@gmail.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Please, I need the keystroke for virtualizing window.

Be leave me its not your settings that are bouncing you.\
I belong to a few list from ACB and all of them bounce me for having a full mail box. I have brought it up to them so many times that its funny. The funny part is I also belong to yahoo groups, google groups and freelist. None of these list are bouncing and my mail is removed off the server every 30 minutes. Who ever runs the lists for ACB either don't watch the server, don't know what they are doing, or have very cheap software that is pure junk! The reason I can say that is if your subscribed to a list and getting the email regularly. Then all at once you don't and nothing has changed on your end to email or programs scanning email. It is always the server side where the break is and they just don't want to admit they screwed up.
At 08:55 PM 4/3/2010, you wrote:
Just want to extend my thanks too Roger, Northstarand Mike and barbara, for those keystrokes for virtualizing window. Now, I'll try and explain why I need it. Over the last few weeks or so, I've been getting bounced offa list for the blind called acb-l list. When I contacted the moderator of this list, he suggested that I call roadrunner and ask if they had a setting that I could change which might prevent me from being bouncedoff this list on a continuing basis. The guy who answered the call said that it might have somthing to do with a setting in my norton antivirus 2009 which I received as a gift from my friend on my birthday last year. I even asked him if there was a setting on there end which might be causing this problem, and he told me that they hadn't changed any settings on there end to cause a customer not to beable too receive or block any email addresses that they send email from. I at this point in time, don't really know what else to do.

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