Hey guies, I have two questions about word o7, and hoped that one of you all could try to give me some elementary explaination.

I'm quite computer savvy, but admitedly, I didn't go to college for very long before quitting due to medical reasons which I won't go into. I thus never really learned the true power and flaxability of word of any! version, really for that mind.

So here is my first question:

I'm having some trouble comprehending the difference in a foot note, verses an end! note. I know foot notes go at the end of a page, essentially, and I also know you gotta be really careful with your line spacing, as if you don't pay real close attention, you can wind up with part of your foot notes on one page, then running over onto the next page, which of course, we definitely! don't want.

I also understand that end notes are numbered, just like foot notes are, however, go at the end of the entire document. I guess, guies, where I'm getting confused, is more the context of when you'd use a foot note, vs. when I'd want instead, to use an end note.

Can you all give me a scenario of both, by saying for instance: OK, Chris, say you was writing a document about x y and zed. You know, just kind a break down for me the difference by real life examples.

My second question of the two is: I was listenning earlier to Kathy Anne Mirtha's Office 2007 tutorial. In section 022: Creating a Table of contents, she discusses using the table of contents auto1 option. So Escentially, here is what I did:

I opened a new word Document. At the top of the file I hit alt+ctrl+1 to make the current line of text at the insertion point be heading level 1.

I then typed Blind Travel

I then hit enter to go to a new line and end the heading level 1.

Next, I hit alt+ctrl+2, to create a heading level 2, as I'm doing a sub heading under the first heading.

Now I typed:  Using a Cane, then hit enter to end the heading.

Then I did alt+ctrl+3, for a level 3 heading.

I typed Choosing the Correct Length, then hit enter.

I then made another heading level 3, and wrote: Deciding between folding and non-folding

Then for another heading level 3, I said:  Agencies to get a Cane

Now, I went back to heading level 2, with alt+ctrl+2, and typed:


Then I put all the following in level 3's:

Deciding your choice of School

List of Guidedog schools

Different Breeds of Guidedogs

Once all this was done, I made a blank line, then below then placed my cursor at the end of the file. I went up in my ribbon and insertted the table of Contents. I did like the tutorial said, and chose table of contents auto1.

The contents was created very nicely, with links to each section, however, upon numberring each section, it labeled all the sections as: 1.

IE:  Blind Travel:  1
Using a Cane:  1

Choosing folding or non-folding:  1.

See what I mean?  Everything's coming out to section 1.

Shouldn't it look more like:

Blind Travel

Using a Cane:  1
Folding or non-folding:  1.1

etc. etc?

I just don't get why it's not proprerly numbering the sections.

I'd love some insite on both these things, if someone can help.

Thanks, and god bless.


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