Thanks to your earlier work, I bought Image for Windows a while back. It has saved me several times! Not only is going back to a known good, clean virus free source the only real way to fix a virus / spyware infection, doing so from a saved disk image is the fastest! I did need to recover a disk image because of a virus this year. I also feel free to experiment more with my Operating System. I make sure my image is current. This is easy since you can still use your computer while Image for Windows makes a backup image. Then if my experiment goes bad, I can just recover the backup image from the external USB hard drive. In a few hours, my computer is back to working order, including all applications and settings.

I use the Image for Linux software, which comes with Image for Windows. To make this bootable recover disk accessible, I base it on a live Vinux DVD, which has speech enabled at all times. I add a hand full of partition / undelete / anti-virus / forensic / password recovery tools. Other than creating the live Vinux Rescue DVD and optionally a live Vinux Rescue USB Flash drive, it is not essential to know Linux. To recover from the external drive just boot from the DVD or USB Flash drive, log into Vinux and press Enter on the Image for Linux icon on the desktop.

Here are the instructions for creating a Talking bootable Linux Rescue DVD:

Don Marang

There is just so much stuff in the world that, to me, is devoid of any real substance, value, and content that I just try to make sure that I am working on things that matter.
Dean Kamen

From: "David Ferrin" <>
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 1:33 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] What has Google done?

I must say it does my heart some real good to know that people do take the
time to get familiar with the web site. I did record image for windows 3
last week and soon as I get a chance to finish editing it I'll let you folks
know. Probably with the bad weather coming in the north east I'll get more
of an opportunity to update the server with some of the items that have
accumulated on my data partition. Image 3 is almost done, just the section
on restoring to a differently sized drive and speech the whole way if you
have all of the tools needed. Unfortunately not everybody is going to be
able to follow this tutorial but if you are not afraid to remove a hard
drive from a system then hang on.
David Ferrin
I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I'll probably screw that one up
----- Original Message ----- From: "Lennie" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] What has Google done?

Hi Frances,

The best way to secure your programs in event of failure is to use
Image for Windows. David have done a couple of tutorials on backing
up the computer and restoring it.

I tried the demo version which you can do for 30 days. You can find
out more about it at:

Here is the URL for the download page:

Here is the URL for David's tutorial. It is under the utility
heading, items 4 and 5:

Hope this will help you. You can also use Karen's Replicator to
backup your important programs. David also did a tutorial on this
software and it is a freeware.  David's tutorial can also be found on
the audio page under file management heading and it is the first item.

You can get the download for Karen's Replicator at:

It is the 22nd item under the file management utility heading.

Take care,


At 07:02 PM 11/11/2010, you wrote:
Hello everybody:

My computer crashed on October 27 and I have now rec4eived it from
the shop.  It has been a long day for me to install all my software
and I need to look at about 1500 messages.

Before I do this, I saw a message today about what Google has done
and I need to know what that is.  I will attend to my e-mails tomorrow.

Is there a way that I can secure my programs, etc. so that if
something happens to my computer I can restore everything?  The
crash occurred as a result of a lightning bolt so I have to buy a
piece of equipment that will keep my machine intact.
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