There is an update to Firefox 3.6 available as of three days or so ago.

Make sure you uncheck automatic updates from

Tools/options/advanced on the update tab

You can still manually chekc for updates from firefox's help menu. this will alert you to security updates of firefox 3.6 which will probably stil be forthcoming for a while at least.

Firefox 4 has some issues still even with the latest builds of jaws 11 and 12. If you want to test its compatibility with jaws 9, you can try that with the portable version of firefox 4 without interfering with your install of firefox 3.6.



At 12:59 PM 5/2/2011, you wrote:

Does Firefox 4.0 work with JAWS 9? A number of members of this and other lists have reported problems using Firefox 4.0 with JAWS 12, so I'm wondering whether Firefox 4.0 will even work at all with JAWS 9. This morening, when I launched Firefox 3.6, which works fine with JAWS 9, it tried to update itself automatically without my intervention to version 4.0, but I was able to cancel the download before it completed. I don't want to update to Firefox 4.0 only to discover that it doesn't work with JAWS9, and then have problems rolling back to Firefox 3.6. Thanks.


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